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It seems unintuitive that Player Complaints are private, yet Admin Complaints are not.

Allowing Admin Complaints to receive better visibility of course means that anyone who has complaints to add, or defenses to offer for the Admin in question can do so which is great. But why aren't the same opportunities made available for Player Complaints? It feels like our complaints are being treated less thoroughly, at initial glance.


So I guess I'm looking for either a change in this disparity or a satisfactory explanation as to why it is so.


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maybe it is because the player who is being targeted with a player complaint will inevitably respond with "NO YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE WRONG" and it will turn into an 8 page shitfest, and maybe it is because admins can be trusted to be professional enough to respond civilly and not turn it into that.


And I quote: "Shitting up the forums about it isn't going to speed this process and only serves to introduce drama, which none of us are interested in having around"


think of it this way: You can't see adminhelps that are about, say, the griefer who just shot the captain to death for literally no reason with a laser gun that he broke into the armory for. Why would you be able to see player complaints about it?


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  Triple_Six said:
maybe it is because the player who is being targeted with a player complaint will inevitably respond with "NO YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE WRONG" and it will turn into an 8 page shitfest, and maybe it is because admins can be trusted to be professional enough to respond civilly and not turn it into that.


And I quote: "Shitting up the forums about it isn't going to speed this process and only serves to introduce drama, which none of us are interested in having around"


think of it this way: You can't see adminhelps that are about, say, the griefer who just shot the captain to death for literally no reason with a laser gun that he broke into the armory for. Why would you be able to see player complaints about it?


You're relatively new, so you might not remember when the Ban Appeals forum was open and visible to all members.


There were some really simple rules regarding the Ban Appeals, most important of all was "Don't post on a Ban Appeal that you were not directly involved in" and for the most part, it went pretty smoothly. I should know, I was (for a time) one of the few members trusted to and allowed to help out appealers and post on Ban Appeals I wasn't involved with, and I read every single one of them.


Note that: I was not an admin, yet could be trusted to post on Ban Appeals responsibly and constructively.

Note also: That the rules in place kept Ban Appeals mostly "shitfest" free.


Admins aren't the only people capable of respecting rules and behaving professionally (and in some cases, admins fall short of those ideals just like anybody else might). Surprise, being an admin doesn't make you a more civilized and rational human being than you were before.


That being said, the reasons I want to see Player Complaints open to everyone are numerous:


1. So that if I or somebody else sees a complaint filed against George Melons we don't need to file a whole new, separate complaint to weigh in on it.


2. So that if I or somebody else want to complain about George Melons, we can see if it's already been filed and weigh in on the existing complaint as opposed to flooding the forum with new complaints.


3. So that if I or somebody else want to complain about George Melons we can see the existing points brought up and save time and effort by not only posting on the existing complaint thread but by refraining from posting redundant information.


4. So that if I or somebody else see a complaint is filed against us, we can more actively endeavor to defend our choices or make amends for our mistakes without the administration having to get involved at all.


5. So that if I or somebody else see a false complaint or a complaint based on missing information we can more actively endeavor to supply information to inform the member initiating the complaint and hopefully resolve the situation without the administration having to get involved at all.


6. For transparency's sake. Seeing how our admins and fellow players operate better informs us. Being able to witness admin investigation and results is more likely to instill confidence than.


7. For the sake of fair treatment. Admins have the opportunity to weigh in on complaints about their fellow admins. Not allowing players to do the same for fellow players sends a strong message of: "We can't trust you plebs to be civil." intentional or otherwise.


All of that aside, I strongly dislike the notion that admins are special or that we players should be treated with disdain or mistrust because we don't have shiny Admin badges. They've simply been around long enough to prove themselves trustworthy, dedicated, loyal, or I'm sure in a select few cases happened to just fall into it. That doesn't magically make them better than the unwashed masses, it just simply means they've put in enough to see results.


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yes I've been around since the ban appeals forum was open and visible to all and anyone could post in them. I am sure that there were people who just posted in the appeals, even if they were involved, and caused a slapfight.


on the other hand most of your points are fair, and I can't really argue against them, even if they do feel redundant or if they're just padding the number of reasons.


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  Triple_Six said:
yes I've been around since the ban appeals forum was open and visible to all and anyone could post in them. I am sure that there were people who just posted in the appeals, even if they were involved, and caused a slapfight.


Not as often as you might think. It was my job (and the admins) to remind them of the rule and regulate that sort of issue when it popped up, so it wasn't as rampant as you seem to imply it would be.


  Triple_Six said:
on the other hand most of your points are fair, and I can't really argue against them, even if they do feel redundant or if they're just padding the number of reasons.


...and I appreciate that conclusion even if it feels like you're trying to take a jab at the same time. Even if that jab is probably pretty justified. <.<


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We could do this /tg/ style and hand out forum warnings if people post in topics they aren't supposed to/ post something irrelevant/ plain Ad Homineum. I do like the idea of being able to see at least the player complaints.

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The way I see player complaints, is like a grievance of official complaint about a colleague of yours in the workplace. You don't have a public debate when there's a direct accusation of one party to another, you get a responsible (in our case, admins) to mediate and resolve in a way they see fit.


I'm a big believer in not airing your laundry in public, as this thread is suggesting this, I'm thoroughly against it.


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