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I was playing on a different server the other day, and saw something so hilarious, so scary, and so confusing to security that I couldn't stop laughing.


Chameleon kits.

These are made in RnD, and they come with the following items:

-Chameleon hat.

-Chameleon jumpsuit.

-Chameleon backpack.

-Chameleon gloves.

-Chameleon shoes.

-Chameleon armour.

-Chameleon gun (Don't flip out yet, keep reading.).

-Magazine for the Chameleon gun.



Now, about the CHAMELEON GUN, it actually doesn't do damage, it's more like a cap gun except it can actually hit people and change its form (Via right clicking and selecting 'Change appearance'.) into ANY gun in the game, however, it will fire a bullet like projectile no matter what the gun looks like. It can hold seven bullets in its magazine.

The clothing can be right clicked on, and you can select the option to change the appearance of the clothing. It can change into pretty much any thing that fits into its category, although it will not gain the effects of whatever it is transformed into (So, in other words, making the gloves look like insulated gloves won't actually make it into insulated gloves.).

This takes a LOT of research to get to it, and there should probably be some kind of thing that tips off security that it's fake.


Basically, this could be used for a hardcore version of laser tag.

Ya, I'm just waiting for the 'NO FUCK YOU NO''s to roll in. But I still think this would be neat to have.


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how about a chameleon gun that can change it any normal-sized item by engaging camo mode. You can then blat people with a wrench. Pewpew.

Not as hilarious as watching someone wielding a chameleon C20r and chameleon ablaitive vest during a malf AI mode, shouting "I GOT THIS" and getting wrecked by lasers.


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