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Vox Sprites


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Alright, I checked through our code, and all of these sprites are in there, plus a couple extra - vox-casual-1_s, vox-casual-2_s;


Should be fairly easy to just add these to the autodrobe.


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In fact, I went and did just that.




name = "\improper AutoDrobe"

desc = "A vending machine for costumes."

icon_state = "theater"

icon_deny = "theater-deny"

product_slogans = "Dress for success!;Suited and booted!;It's show time!;Why leave style up to fate? Use AutoDrobe!"

vend_delay = 15

vend_reply = "Thank you for using AutoDrobe!"

products = list(/obj/item/clothing/mask/fawkes = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/chickensuit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/chicken = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/corgi = 1, /obj/item/clothing/suit/corgisuit = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/gladiator = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/gladiator = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/gimmick/rank/captain/suit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/flatcap = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/glasses/gglasses = 1,/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/schoolgirl = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/kitty = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/blackskirt = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/beret = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/suit/wcoat = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/suit_jacket = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/that =1,/obj/item/clothing/head/cueball = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/scratch = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/kilt = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/beret = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/wcoat = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/glasses/monocle =1,/obj/item/clothing/head/bowlerhat = 1,/obj/item/weapon/cane = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sl_suit = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/mask/fakemoustache = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/bio_suit/plaguedoctorsuit = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/plaguedoctorhat = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/plaguedoctor = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/owl = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/owl_mask = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/apron = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/waiter = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/pirate = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/pirate_black = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/pirate_rags = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/pirate_brown = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/pirate = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/bandana = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/head/bandana = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/soviet = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/ushanka = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/imperium_monk = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/cyborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/holidaypriest = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/wizard/marisa/fake = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/marisa/fake = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sundress = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/witchwig = 1,/obj/item/weapon/staff/broom = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/suit/wizrobe/fake = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/wizard/fake = 1,/obj/item/weapon/staff = 3,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sexyclown = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/sexyclown = 1,/obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/sexymime = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/sexymime = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/apron/overalls = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/head/rabbitears = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_atmos = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_grey = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_robotics = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_toxins = 1,

/obj/item/clothing/under/vox_engi = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox/vox_casual = 1,/obj/item/clothing/under/vox/vox_robes = 1) //Pretty much everything that had a chance to spawn.

contraband = list(/obj/item/clothing/suit/cardborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/cardborg = 1,/obj/item/clothing/suit/judgerobe = 1,/obj/item/clothing/head/powdered_wig = 1,/obj/item/weapon/gun/magic/wand = 1)

premium = list(/obj/item/clothing/suit/hgpirate = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/hgpiratecap = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/roman = 1, /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/roman/legionaire = 1, /obj/item/clothing/under/roman = 1, /obj/item/clothing/shoes/roman = 1)

refill_canister = /obj/item/weapon/vending_refill/autodrobe



With this, the autodrobe should also spawn vox clothing. I'll check in-game to make sure in a second.


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Tested all the clothing. They show up fine, and all of them work fine, except the toxins/chemist - which is just an alpha mask with 'suit?' in the corner. I believe this is due to there being three different entries of /obj/item/clothing/under/vox_toxins in the miscellaneous.dm file which are pointing to different icons in uniforms.dmi


Better than adding to the autodrobe would be allowing vox players to rip up their uniform, I think.


But the autodrobe is an easy copy/paste solution that I can actually do.


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Pretty sure the code made vox appear as the alternate vox version whenever they donned the normal version of these clothes, at least back before Ponies vanished. I'm guessing some sort of code porting from another server overwrit that code at some point and nobody bothered to re-institute it. The code is still present for items such as the gas mask and face mask. and the t-ray scanners.

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