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Gravity-related shenanigans


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Just some minor things I think would be neat?


1. if someone dumps a beaker, or sprays a sprayer onto a tile that has no gravity (Either space or no grav gen), then the liquid would travel until it hit a solid object (a person or a wall etc). Caveat: Sprayers and chems wouldn't interact with the tile surface under null grav like they would otherwise usually, but would interact with any mob they hit.


Caveat: Fire extinguishers should still interact with fire tiles and slimes, etc, or that'd break stuff.


2. if someone gets hit enough to bleed, it would create a low density simple mob named a blood splat or something instead of a ground decal that would float around in the air and splat+delete itself onto any mob or wall it interacted upon or was interacted by. If it enters or stays in an area that has gravity, it will delete itself and make a splat on the ground (and whatever is below it)

This also happens if someone vomits, or does other things. This is sure to make certain virology symptoms absolutely horrifying.


3. superfart should act as a propellant, but with unreliable direction and force. On occasion it will speed you up enough so that it breaks bones if you smack into a wall.


4. Make adhering to walls and surfaces only work if you're on grab intent, but make it harder to dislodge people from said surface. Maybe even make a chance for you to grab and hold onto the surface during a decompression instead of being sucked past if you're standing and conscious, but subsequent decompression pulls weaken your grip via reducing stamina.


That way people can float past walls and narrow passages and stuff on other intents, and all the pushing and shoving has to be on purpose. Maybe even make it a robust combat mechanic, where you can choose between having no grip or having a grip but people can potentially weaken your stamina via combat as you struggle to hold on.


Obviously this is unnecessary if the mob is a cyborg or has mag boots.


5. Firing a ballistic type weapon, such as the pneumatic cannon or powered crossbow or a revolver, counts as a force in the opposite direction of firing, but their projectiles also travel further. That way, energy weapons become more reliable in zero G, and ballistic weapons become ghetto emergency propellant. Pneumatic cannons should be fireable while empty to function like fire extinguishers on chairs with customizable (And much stronger potential) forces.


6. Vines should count as space-grabbable surfaces. Those plants that creep around and cover the station in a glowing mess? Double as ropes.


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