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medbay secondary storage room


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there is this big hole of unused space surrounded by reinforced walls. between the secondary storage and medbay.


i suggest we will expand the storage over that empty space so it would fit more things like more medkits incase of emergencies (by emergency i mean incompetence)


or just expanding the room and putting more lockers would also work.


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I talked about it some time ago in OOC/deadchat and the rationale behind this hole is... well, it's there so that you can bomb Medbay and effectively cause a life support failure.

So far I haven't seen anyone taking advantage of this place.


I agree with you, it should be filled. Medbay is cramped as it is. I wouldn't say that we need more storage space (the secondary storage is used mostly during viral outbreaks), but hell - even making the maintenance a bit bigger and putting some racks in there would've fixed the problem.

How about additional medical lockers for newly appointed doctors?



I could even see Virology access hallway shortened (these chairs are useless and are plain ugly) and a new room added.


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