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Spider clan replacement: Actual spider


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I've heard people say that ninja code is horrible and a mess to maintain, so maybe I suggest an alternative?


Actual spider clan?


You spawn as a giant jumping spider with all speech, and have a mask slot, and id slot, a hat slot, a belt slot, two manipulator hands, a back slot, and two pockets. You're assumed to always be wearing a jumpsuit because spider.

Only the hat and inhand sprites show up visually, and the sprites are transform-moved down so you can wear hilarious headgear and dual wield stun batons to disarm the crew's otherwise malicious intent.


You start with:

- a backpack - contains the cocoon teleporter for abducting.

- a high tech belt that has internals and a power source and your spider clan kit and a pda interface, all in one

- a spider clan gas mask- Acts like syndicate gas mask, but is immune to acid and counts as eyeware.

- an agent card


You get objectives like ninja. Maybe ones not so dumb. Ones related more towards abduction or subterfuge. Maybe you even get peaceful or beneficial to NT ones.


Your abilities:


- Still need to breathe station atmosphere, but your belt is a 70 capacity tank and functions as a mask because book lungs.


-Xeno Hunter Shadow Cloak


-Xeno Hunter leap


-Vent Crawl. Vent crawling produces no sound or visual emote.


- Ability to use the hide ability, and doing so makes you not block people or pulled objects when they try to pass you, knowingly or not. This allows you to not get discovered while trolling around narrow maintenance tunnels. We're assuming its crawling on the ceiling or something. Using hide also grants tablepass.


-Spider cocoon + ability to drag cocoons around and through vents behind you. Ability to lay nearly invisible web traps to ensnare people who traverse dark maintenance tunnels unawares. Ability to inject poison into cocoons via disarm.


-Count as always wearing a hardsuit and mag boots


-Nutrition powered ninja vanish, that works like ethereal jaunt but you can't go through walls..


-Choose between normal vision, t-ray vision, and optical mesons with a keybind or verb.


-Inject poison when you disarm or harm intent a target while bare handed.


-Ability to change what type of poison you inject when you disarm or harm intent through a verb or keybind. Choose between toxic, sleep, mute, EMP, and plain stun. You have a recharging chemical reservoir, so don't over exert yourself.


-Chemicals, web, ninja vanish, and vision modes run off of nutrition, and you recharge nutrition the same way IPCs do.


-Your disarm attempts are silent and have a higher chance to succeed. They can also be used while hunter cloaked, but using more than once or twice in quick succession can reveal you.


-Removing the belt causes Spider to need to eat normally, and lose all abilities except the hide, web, leap and counting as wearing a hardsuit/magboots. They still poison on disarm/harm and disarm is still silent, but it can only do toxic damage.


- Spider clan belt is pretty much worthless to normal bipeds that aren't trained in its use.


- Spider without belt can nom on cocooned simple animals and people to gain nutrition.


-Spider clan mask can be removed and replaced with a ball gag to prevent them from biting, and leap and webbing and vent crawl doesn't work when handcuffed because of THE LAW.


-Actual spider clan can be handcuffed and stunned, and such things work as intended on them.


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Yeah. I meant it'd work as a replacement only ingame. Ninja would still be in, just not in event rotation.


Jumping spider clan would ideally be a re-write that inherited abilities from other places in the code without directly modifying them, and kept its own snowflake changes internal to its module.


That way if you have to change anything then the spider will inherit the changes, and if you need to change spider specifically you don't have to hunt down a million little things in separated code files.


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