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Nuke Ops Syndiborg vs AI Minisat


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Short story: Syndiborg comes in, unlocks shit, comes in, turrets can't do shit, APC off, Syndiborg laser. Poof AI dead in 10 seconds.


This is why AI Minisat is not a very good thing. AI gets killed 50% of the time at the start of nuke ops assault.


Syndi Borg is OP here. I barely had time to make Vox announcements and call the shuttle.


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Should make the syndicate borgs have to hack into the AI core instead of just bypassing all doors, would make a fun minigame, syndicate borg vs AI

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When it comes to manually bombing the AI minisat, the AI usually has at least a minute to react (camera alarm if a minibomb is planted, backup power etc.)


Here I had luck that I spotted it just as it went into the cleanbot room.


I am just saying that dying at round start... is not fun. And there is no counter. And it isn't hard to pull off (also it is practically impossible to counter).


Hell, even making the Syndiborg NOT immune to turrets would help a little.


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The knife cuts both ways in this scenario; it's also just as unfun when the Nukies arrive on station and get bolted into a depowered room and can't do much of anything for the rest of the shift either.


Reason why I ultimately don't have a problem with this: Captain is under the same exact threat and also tends to die a horrendous death within a few minutes of the syndicate boarding the station; it's a risk associated with picking the job--it's just one that the AI has never been exposed to before on a regular basis.


There may need to be changes to how early the AI gets notification of when someone has stepped foot on the AI satellite (via motion detecting cameras), but the whole intent of the AI sat is that it is not an impenetrable target anymore and is a valid target if traitor/nuke ops/etc wants to attempt to kill it; I really don't see why the AI should have a map status that gives it immunity to something that the entire crew has to deal with shift to shift.


I can understand the frustration though; the best you can do (same goes for captain) in situations like this is to just scream your head off before you inevitably get lasered to death or your APC is is turned off; provided the crew reacts to your death, you bought them a huge strategical advantage by giving them an early warning as to what's going on.


I definitely do have my eye on the Syndiborg though, rest assured, as I do feel it's in the category of "insanely strong", right now.


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Thanks, Fox, for your insight.


I just wanted to point out that the 10-second PWNAGE is batshit crazy compared to the 1-2 minutes required by your typical human syndie squad to bring down the AI satellite.


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There are some changes/nerfs planned for the Syndiborg in terms of his available weaponry coming up soon , but I'm not sure how much it will impact this specific issues you're mentioning here; it's more likely to impact the Syndiborg's on-station combat effectiveness.

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There are some changes/nerfs planned for the Syndiborg in terms of his available weaponry coming up soon , but I'm not sure how much it will impact this specific issues you're mentioning here; it's more likely to impact the Syndiborg's on-station combat effectiveness.

We got the tech for when it comes to (re)gaining control of doors and sytems, it should be an easy copy and pastejob if you wanted to make the borg hack the doors open.


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There are some changes/nerfs planned for the Syndiborg in terms of his available weaponry coming up soon , but I'm not sure how much it will impact this specific issues you're mentioning here; it's more likely to impact the Syndiborg's on-station combat effectiveness.

We got the tech for when it comes to (re)gaining control of doors and sytems, it should be an easy copy and pastejob if you wanted to make the borg hack the doors open.



This is a potential solution; I'm definitely keeping an eye on things and keeping my ears open to potential ways to balance this out.


Generally speaking, there hasn't been much of a problem with the AI getting taken out at its new location (without resource+time investment)--Ops have to spend quite a bit of their time to kill the AI, which gives the crew massive time to prepare and the AI can still do a little bit about it (along with its borg)....the exception, of course, is the damn Syndiborg, who can do exactly as Plotron described.


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The knife cuts both ways in this scenario; it's also just as unfun when the Nukies arrive on station and get bolted into a depowered room and can't do much of anything for the rest of the shift either.



provided the crew reacts to your death, you bought them a huge strategical advantage by giving them an early warning as to what's going on.





Yeah AI can still raise the alert even if tcomms are down, and now that the satellite is so far away from the captain and disk it is a huge trade off to make your first move there


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