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Poly is sodding annoying.

All she does is pile up stuff onto the alerts computer in the CE's office, for this reason I end up buckling her to a chair in the break room

I thought she was meant to shout really bad advice over the engineering frequency, but to date I have never heard her say anything.

I suggest either implementing that and removing the kleptomania, or replacing her outright with a tame space bear called Marvin.


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You know the random event called "tear in space and time" ? They are those scary red clouds that spawn a ton of hostile mobs, like NPC aliens, carps, spiders, hivebots, etc... They cause a lot of destruction and death, and you will need laser fire to kill them safely.


Well, few days ago, one of those spawned in the CE office. A huge number of hostile mobs spawned there, and attacked the nearest mob, the parrot Poly. None of them survived, Poly was perfectly unharmed.


Morale of the story, don't fuck with Poly.






You know the random event called "tear in space and time" ? They are those scary red clouds that spawn a ton of hostile mobs, like NPC aliens, carps, spiders, hivebots, etc... They cause a lot of destruction and death, and you will need laser fire to kill them safely.


Well, few days ago, one of those spawned in the CE office. A huge number of hostile mobs spawned there, and attacked the nearest mob, the parrot Poly. None of them survived, Poly was perfectly unharmed.


Morale of the story, don't fuck with Poly.



I've seen Poly lain low by vending machines.

Is this some kind of super Poly that only appears via admin intervention?




https://github.com/ZomgPonies/Paradise/ ... /parrot.dm



line 240


//Simple animals

/mob/living/simple_animal/parrot/attack_animal(mob/living/simple_animal/M as mob)

if(client) return



if(parrot_state == PARROT_PERCH)

parrot_sleep_dur = parrot_sleep_max //Reset it's sleep timer if it was perched


if(M.melee_damage_upper > 0)

parrot_interest = M

parrot_state = PARROT_SWOOP | PARROT_ATTACK //Attack other animals regardless

icon_state = "parrot_fly"



line 492


//Time for the hurt to begin!

var/damage = rand(5,10)



line 500



emote(pick("pecks at [L]", "claws [L]"))



All parrots are blood-thristy monster hunters. All they want in exchange is a pen, a sheet of paper and a rubber stamp to make a nest where to sit comfortably while they wait all the day, as the ignorant and ungrateful CE ignores them.




she says stuff, it's just in animalspeak

Not even, it's supposed to be in Common. Poly is meant to be a nuisance on the radio BUT she's also supposed to screech over the radio when the singlo hits stage 4 an is about to burst from containment.




I think i had an NTSL script to make Poly understandable on the radio


And this is all what she could say:


speak = list("Poly wanna cracker!", ":e Check the singlo, you chucklefucks!",":e Wire the solars, you lazy bums!",":e WHO TOOK THE DAMN HARDSUITS?",":e OH GOD ITS FREE CALL THE SHUTTLE")



She can also repeat stuff she heard earlier, like a recorder. Back when the saycode worked this lead to interesting situations if the CE was swear-happy.


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