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CthulhuPakabol/Farcry11/Marc Herron Introduction.


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Hello all! I just wanted to say hi, as I intend to play regularly on Paradise from here on out. I've just come from a heavy RP server where, frankly, I was starting to get disgusted with all the elitism and decided I needed something lighter. After playing here for a bit, I think I've finally found my niche, and I can only say that I'm loving it so far.


So far as Marc Herron I have...


Participated in a mutiny against a Vox captain trying to make the crew debt-slaves


Got an NT Rep fired for being a drunk buttface, all official n' shit


And... Had a clown mistakenly executed as a captain, spiraled in to depression, and shot myself after a drawn out discussion about "my humanity" with a suspected ling.


So yeah, I've been having a great time so far, and I hope I've been entertaining you all. Thanks for having me!


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Yes... your first game..I think it was. You wandered as a civilian as a guy punched you and broke through a storage room into the main hallways which had no air. Which you then decided to make a table fort in the chapel as a biomass infestation started. Yes, I remember it, Okan'rah sends his greetings :)

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