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Recovery Shuttle- A Use for all the power from Engineering


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Was informing someone that all rounds have a timer that dis-allows instant round ending shuttle calls due to the shuttle refueling and I suddenly was struck with an idea:


Sort of a "Well most of our crew's dead but we're generating a lot of power, oh hey a distant station needs evacuating lets help them out and get replacement crew (and supplies) in the process."


Tl;dr: Like an impromptu roleplay ERT but for summoning random new crew instead of special troopers. Also a way to obtain some rare goods and materials. Uses station power shoved into capacitors to fuel and has a cooldown.


_---_ The idea:


Engineering sure generates a lot of excess power, and I'd assume power is what powers bluespace engines and what the shuttle is being refueled from.


What if for some crazy reason, The station arrival wing was given a recovery shuttle with MASSIVE bluespace engine capacitors? Engineering could spend a while generating power to stuff into it.


The result? Once fully fueled, a ranking officer could enable the shuttle and allow it to be called, via event or admin or just randomly.


The recovery shuttle ICly, once called, would traverse to a far off station that needs a transfer or emergency evacuation of goods and/or people, supposedly one further away from centcom than the current station. Crew and/or goods from that remote station would come, usually as a result of a transfer or an emergency evacuation.


Basically like an emergency shuttle but for THEM rather than you.


OOCLy, though, and mechanically:


Ghosts signed up for it would be teleported into the shuttle mid-hyperspace as randomized people (random races, job titles, names, cyborgs,etc) and the shuttle would also sometimes have various goods on it (rare or otherwise). If no ghosts signed up it'd maybe have a few braindeads and a lot of goods on it.


Most of these people would be loyal to nanotrasen (though maybe some could be secret antags). They'd have a little time to prepare and get in character as the shuttle returned, possible with a small chance of randomized topical damage to represent coming from a literal fire of monkeys or other form of catastrophe.


Their cards would have the access level of civilians so they'd need to be re-assigned, even though they might have job titles. They'd also be a bit disheveled and randomly roughed up and might need medical attention, but can also sometimes spawn with random items in their pack and such.


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