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Fix Second Languages


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Tradeband and Gutter work.


Others do not, this has been sitting around for awhile so I figure it's gotta be intentional that they don't work.


The argument regarding vocalization of difficult characters/body language is inert because we have IPCs (It could simply be programmed and emulated) and Greys (Who have telepathy and are incredibly intelligent which would make communicating in different dialect a breeze).


So yeah! Fixyfix.


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Yeah, languages have been needing an overhaul to pull them away from the bay special snowflake crap.


Not sure what use Tradeband and Gutter have really, they should either get removed or have a third language slot just for them. (and sign language if that ever gets added)


Machine People - Trinary

Kidan - Chittin

Vox - Vox-pidgin

Slime People - Bubblish

Skrell - Skrellian

Unathi - Sintha'unathi

Tajaran - Siik'tajr


Those are all of the special languages currently, and (I may be wrong) only members of that race can speak or understand that language. That really shouldn't be the case at all, at the very least it should be possible for someone to understand the racial language if they have that as a second language. IDK about speaking it, but I would like that to be the case.



Not sure if its exactly possible due to our language code being messed up but that might be slightly different. Not sure.


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Tradeband and Gutter can be nice to have. They're not a race specific one and it can be nice to have something to fall back on if you don't want to be overheard but also don't want to whisper. I mean i suppose yes someone could translate but..i've seen it used often enough. I don't like the idea of removing them. =/


If people can take a secondary racial language like Siik'tajr/Kidan they shouldn't be able to fully understand it unless they are the race that natively speaks it- some of it should get lost in translation to make things more interesting. I'm not sure how this would work code-wise but..it would make sense for languages that don't just rely on vocalization.


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Having languages race only makes them very underused not to mention stifles gameplay and interaction. Two taajrnajrnajrna can currently discuss lopping the head off a human right infront of them with zero chance of that human understanding them.


With a proper second language system? Using racial languages to discuss secret things infront of everyone has that degree of risk, and normal talk can always have someone else join in.


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This is very much intentional; once upon a time you could have a second language, or two, or three, or four. People started selecting every single language and adding it to their character just so they could understand literally everything; it was later decided to limit language use on species lines and keep tradeband+gutter open as universal langauges...but that you could only pick a secondary language (well, besides everyone knowing Sol, of course). This wasn't done for lore or game balance reasons, this was done for uniqueness and to set each species apart.


If anything, I think the languages need the opposite treatment; more obscurity; currently you can parse out some of the things other species (including simple animals) are saying since it only adds in asterisks--this should go a step further and scramble letters and possibly introduce a few "false positives" (ie: letters/numbers you never said) to make in unparseable.


Two species talking right in front of you about killing you and you have no idea isn't a big deal--anyone can do that with PDA messages.


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This is very much intentional; once upon a time you could have a second language, or two, or three, or four. People started selecting every single language and adding it to their character just so they could understand literally everything; it was later decided to limit language use on species lines and keep tradeband+gutter open as universal langauges...but that you could only pick a secondary language (well, besides everyone knowing Sol, of course). This wasn't done for lore or game balance reasons, this was done for uniqueness and to set each species apart.


Two species talking right in front of you about killing you and you have no idea isn't a big deal--anyone can do that with PDA messages.


Then why not just limit it to:


Single alien language+Trade or Gutter.



Each species is already pretty unique, and having it possible for other races to speak the language would make using them more common.


I really have no issue with that exact thing happening, its just there should be SOME degree of risk. Atleast its possible to get caught out if someone checks the PDA message log.


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