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Change bug reports back.


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GitHub requires a secondary account, and 90% of people won't be assed to make an additional github account just to report a bug they've witnessed/experienced. This is already a readily evident fact based off the sheer drop in bug reports as of late.


There was nothing wrong with the forum-post topicky version, why'd it get changed in the first place?


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I understand the convenience, but like I said, you're going to have far, far less bugs reported seeing as GitHub requires a secondary account.


Maybe remove that requirement, or sync it with existing forum accounts somehow?


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That's not possible unfortunately enough, as it isn't hosted by us, which means they use a separate database.


And while we may see a reduction in the number of bug reports, in my opinion, if someone isn't willing to make an account to report a bug, I don't think it's worth putting in the effort to fixing the bug.


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