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Do you want goonchem.  

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Or, you could look at /tg/'s current chem. I'm not the best person to fully explain goonchem.

Compare it to our current chemistry (Star trek chem): http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Chemistry

Well, this has had some discussion as of late, on the OOC, IRC, and even a little bit on the TS.

It's a pretty huge change, and as such, I think we should talk about this before a PR of it even goes up.

My opinion? I think it's vastly overpowered, for our standards.

That's only an opinion, though.


Here comes the hatetrain.



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There was so many feedback threads on it, a forum mod had to put up a "ENOUGH ABOUT GOON CHEM!" Announcement.


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Goon Chem doesn't work on other stations outside goon because their medical is VERY LAX compared to ours. This is why so much of their stuff is for fun compared to our medical Star Trek chems. We wouldn't be able to transfer goon chem over without massively changing how our healing system works. Not to mention Goonchem is meant you have you searching for your ingredients while ours would give you all you need to find them.


Please note I have not looked at Iamgoofball's chem change, mostly because I knew it would end in a fiery hatestorm.


Believe me, I would love a lot of the chems they got there, but it's better off in their environment compared to trying to port like Iamgoofball tried to do.


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Goonchem is awesome and allows for a proper chem system including pyrotechnics. Goonmed meanwhile is...it was made for Goon and it won't work for us. (Apart from whatever fancy braindamge death system they have, whatever it is)

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It's all fun and games, but it won't fit our community, or any community other than goon.

I am strongly against it, not only because of the huge negative response from it, but also because of the coder who made it, whom has gained quite the infamous reputation on both paradise and bay / tg


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It's all fun and games, but it won't fit our community, or any community other than goon.

I am strongly against it, not only because of the huge negative response from it, but also because of the coder who made it, whom has gained quite the infamous reputation on both paradise and bay / tg

Code should be judged based on the code, not the coder.


Besides, the main negative response was due to some bugs on launch, which got fixed(shocker, I know.)


The other negative part was the fact that I made them have to actually worry about dosage amounts. They didn't have overdosing before, they were literally just sitting around with 500u of tricord in their system and another 500u of DD and never dying.\


When I added overdosing, they flipped out because apparently being able to have no downside healing all damage types every single tick isn't overpowered.


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Yea, I don't think it's fair to shove the blame on goofball. The code itself was solid (aside from some bugs) from what I've heard.


To elaborate on what I stated earlier, Goonchem itself probably works, but I don't think it works well with the way our medical system works. From what Fox told me, Goon has a drastically different medical system in general (especially in terms of crit and all that), and its chemistry system is based around that. As we use (an outdated version of) Baymed, I don't see Goonchem working well for us.


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Markva's pint about baymed not working with Goonchem is a very good point though, and once again GoonMED really wouldn't won't on Para. Hopefully something can be worked out though.


Code should be judged based on the code, not the coder.


Besides, the main negative response was due to some bugs on launch, which got fixed(shocker, I know.)


The other negative part was the fact that I made them have to actually worry about dosage amounts. They didn't have overdosing before, they were literally just sitting around with 500u of tricord in their system and another 500u of DD and never dying.\


When I added overdosing, they flipped out because apparently being able to have no downside healing all damage types every single tick isn't overpowered.


Completely agree with Goof here.


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First off, we should understand that this would be a port of Goon chemistry, not Goon medical; while there is some overlap, for the most part, medical would not be touched, or how it functions; surgery, genetics, cloning, treating infections, curing viruses, and mending bruises/burns would all be exactly the same.


The only thing that would change is the chemical you use to treat patients and what effects they have.


First off, let me dispel any negativity of it being a "goon thing"; while Goon has a LOT of very silly stuff, they don't actively try to shatter reality on everything--a lot of their system are more realistic and more immersive to players than what even Bay offers: Chemistry definitely falls within these boundaries. Goon utilizes actual REAL medicines and attempts to best mimic the impacts they have on the human body; meth (replacement for hyperzine) isn't just something that lets you move around at super fast speeds; it makes you jittery, induces brain damage, and has side effects if you overdose on it or become addicted to it.


This is the common theme that runs throughout most of Goon's chemistry system; instead of just cramming an endless amount of Tricord or Doctor's delight down someone's throat, you're going to have to treat them in a very targetted manner; you'll have far more drugs with which you can treat patients, but they won't necessarily be as strong as they otherwise currently are (some will be better, some will be worse).


Goon's chemistry also offers up the ability to heat and cool reagents, meaning you can have temperature based reaction---ie: mix sugar+potassium and phosphorus and get a smoke cloud. Mix those same reagents with a reagent called "stabilizing agent" and you get "smoke powder", which makes a cloud of smoke when it's heated to a certain temperature.



Let's move on to WHY this was unpopular on TG.


First off, you have to understand the difference between TG med and Baymed/Goonmed.


On TG medical doctors have access to the same basic materials we have on Paradise...only there's a major difference: on TG brute packs and ointment heal 60 damage per application and can be used multiple times on the same targeted bodypart; this effectively meant that doctors could treat anyone without chemistry's help, at all; they can fully deal with brute and burn, in any capacity---and they could deal with toxin and O2 damage with the Tox and O2 kits they had lying around (not to mention tons of inaprovaline).


Cue: Goonchem. Goonchem came a long and some other coders (not Goofball) got rid of bruise and ointment--not to mention a LOT of people just didn't want to learn a new version of chemistry; this completely changed how medical doctor's operated; they were now dependent on chemistry to treat patients; they still could treat tox and O2, but they would need chemistry's ongoing supply of patches for burn and brute to continue doing their job.


On Para/Bay, it was never this way; for our medical doctors, they're not independent and ARE dependent on chemistry, largely; the trauma and burn kits can only be used one per limb and only heal 12 damage per application, so getting medicine from chemistry for brute and burn is an absolute "must".


This is why I firmly believe if we choose to go with this system, there won't be very many issues, at all; medbay would have to learn what new chemical TO use to treat patients (and proper dosing), but they'd still largely be functioning as they currently are in terms of overall power level.


Again, I can't stress enough ,this would NOT be a Goonmed port; the only thing about Goonmed that would work on our server would be their "in crit" system of how you die.



In any event, if you have any questions about Goonchem, please feel free to ask--I know Goon chemistry like the back of my own hand and also know Baymed forward and back, too.


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