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Traitors "Doubling Down"


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So, me and Telvayne were talking in OOC and we thought of this COOL THING.

The way it works is when a traitor completes one objective, such as killing someone or stealing something, they can "Double Down" so to speak, which would involve either them turning in the object they had to steal, or just the game checking that the guy they had to kill is dead. This would then result in them getting a random new objective, and as these objectives get completed you may see objectives that wouldn't even happen normally, E.G.: Bombings, stealing research levels, destroying important devices. This would cause crew to actually fear antagonists, as opposed to the current opinion that is pretty much " meh they probably won't try to kill me so who even cares rite?"

Sorry this is my first suggestion so it's probably kinda shittily made and I might've forgotten stuff that would've been helpful.

EDIT: I did forget stuff: The extra objectives could also possibly give the traitors more telecrystals and possibly even more unlocks(?).


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...well WHY NOT!


i dont want to run out of things to do as a antag and beg the admins for more objectives or...call the syndie strike team for fun.


anyways here is a minor suggestion: for each objective turned in you get a ''objective point'' in your traitor PDA for buying more items or items that cant be bought with telecrystals or just turning them into more telecrystals.


should give a incentive for syndies to get more stuff done for more fun things to play with.



edit: oh i know! a get out of jail free card for 3 objective points!


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If I recall correctly, this can be achieved via notifying the syndicate in-game by using an emagged communications console with appropiate access. But that's a very large timesink and frankly not worth it for the effort it would take and the meager results, so this idea will be much better.


But for now, emagged comms console is the way to go (...right?).


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Awfully close to Goon+TG style antags---if the community wants to go in that direction......that said, I'm more than a bit skeptical of that direction.

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Awfully close to Goon+TG style antags---if the community wants to go in that direction......that said, I'm more than a bit skeptical of that direction.


Why so?


Well...if a tator kills 1 or 100--as long as it's not racism, ERP, etc, then a traitor is allowed to do it. If he wants to release the singulo every single round he rolls for traitor---he can.


If it means mass bombing the entire station---yeah.


You get the picture.


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Awfully close to Goon+TG style antags---if the community wants to go in that direction......that said, I'm more than a bit skeptical of that direction.


Why so?


Well...if a tator kills1 or 100--as long as it's not racism, ERP, etc, then a traitor is allowed to do it. If he wants to release the singulo every single round he rolls for traitor---he can.


If it means mass bombing the entire station---yeah.


You get the picture.

To be more accurate, those style of antags have the gloves off. They can do what they want regardless of objectives. While our antags have that to an extent, it's always as long as it pertains to your objectives, like mass murdering the crew with Escape Free is a no go. Doing this would potentially allow antags to gain access to the Hijack or "Racism" (I call the keep species off of the shuttle objectives this) objectives more often, leading to more chaos more often.


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To be more accurate, those style of antags have the gloves off. They can do what they want regardless of objectives. While our antags have that to an extent, it's always as long as it pertains to your objectives, like mass murdering the crew with Escape Free is a no go. Doing this would potentially allow antags to gain access to the Hijack or "Racism" (I call the keep species off of the shuttle objectives this) objectives more often, leading to more chaos more often.


I was under the impression that the escape free/hijack/glorious death objective would remain the same as they hadn't completed it yet. Is this not the case?


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