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Medical Feature with Organs


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Recently, or actually for a while, I have played and observed some of the features baycode has. One of the features that looked fun for me was that you can remove, transplant and kill organs.

On bay code you can remove organs with surgery, and with that I mean all organs. Liver, Kideny, Lungs, Hearts and Eyes can be removed or addedd.

If you transplant a healthy organ, the organ will slowly start to die. You can slow down this process greatly by putting it in a freezer. Organs that are dead, like a liver, will be dead when removed. The side effect you first had with a damaged liver of pain and toxic damage will stop. The side effect of no liver is that alcohol will be dangerous because you have no liver.


What I want to see is that the organ damage surgery will be removed, with exception for the lungs and heart, because else it would be mean, but the other organs cannot be healed. You can either heal them by adding mechanical parts, just as you can add a peacemaker to the heart. This will only work if the organ is minor damaged. If a organ is damaged even more, it has to be removed and replaced by a new organ. Those organs can be harvested from either dead body's or monkey humans.


On combat side, if you stab someone in the chest area with a sharp object, it must have a greater chance of hitting a organ and damaging them. It would balance the way people only hit for the head for maximum damage. If you hit organs, a person would die of after effects rather than damage stacking. A chest that has been stabbed 9 times should have a 5 or 10% chance to hit a organ with 10 damage.


On a side note, if you cut someone in the chest the blood loss should be much more and much faster than it already is. In real life, people don't die of pain stacking, they die of blood loss or cadiac arrest. Now you just die of stacking damage to stupid area's. What if people with sharp objects won't die of the damage system, but rather die because the person has lost a lot of blood.


The blunt trauma should actually stun you. A hit with a wrench to the liver will knock you out. Today I was boxing at my school against the teacher, who had done kickboxing for years. We may hit as much as we want, where we want. What I saw, but unfortunate did not happen to me, was that my colleagues were getting hit in the liver, and they collapsed to the ground. One hit, a lop or a punch, in the liver, and your out. This should also be impleted with a either 5 or 10% chance of hitting a liver, you would be stunned for 5 or 10 seconds.


This should maybe also be added to guns, that if you shoot someone the bullet has a greater chance to hit a real vital organ and die of blood loss or side effects. Coughing up blood, vomiting up blood, gargling, shock, etc. Those should be the effects, same as stamina.

If you fight, you get tired evantually. This should be really added like goonstation, because it's just stupid how you can fight endless with a heavy toolbox or fire extinghuisher without getting tired. Believe me, your muscles will hurt, really hurt after a while and you will loose concentration and power to your strikes.


It may stupid and it may be a lot of code work, but I am willing to help a bit with coding or directing.

Post what you think of this, and do not wine about my grammar.


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malpracticebay: the sci-fi medical drama where almost every doctor is incompetent and have no idea what they are doing.


on serious note, this would make the game better in some ways. but it might indirectly buff EMPs...why do EMPs make mechanical (read: not fully electrical) organs explode/take alot of damage?


i also want synthetic organs added.


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agree, robotic should have a fabricator for mechanic organs


here is the current organ system:

mechanical organs are very tough [spoiler2](not sure about its HP)[/spoiler2] and are immune to ''germs'' but get instantly destroyed by EMPs [spoiler2](mechanical heart or eyes gives out and you die or go blind)[/spoiler2]

assisted organs are a little tougher [spoiler2](+5HP i think)[/spoiler2] but are not immune to germs and get halfway destroyed by EMPs [spoiler2](assisted eyes can still see but its all white now)[/spoiler2]


normal organs are normal organs



all organs get healed normally by chems or surgery no matter what kind they are.


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"its more realistic "


Is not a reason to have a feature at all, unless its some minor, minor tweak that restores sanity a little.


That's fair, but in general, SS13 has been built entirely off of 'it's just more stuff you can do!', which has worked out all right.


I support this idea, but all the alien races should have nonsense organs like 'squiddlysplooch' or 'fruuuneparple' rather then livers and lungs and things.


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Hm. I don't think this is a good idea, really, it adds a bit.. too much depth to surgeries and the such, if you ask me


another problem is, if I remember right, this was a major overhaul on bay, and isn't really feasible to port.


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Organ transplants would be pretty neat----anddd I must admit I really like the idea of seeing an evil doctor stun people, drag them into surgery only to cut out their heart (while the person in question is still awake) then eat it in front of the person as they rapidly die.


Also---gibbing throwing limbs AND organs everywhere would be kinda awesome.


That said, removing internal organ damage surgery would be bad, in my opinion. Even with super competent doctors, it can take quite a while to repair internal organ damage in conjunction with broken bones---this would exacerbate this even further as it would not only require more steps for a single organ, but require a separate surgery for each organ.


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Organ transplants would be pretty neat----anddd I must admit I really like the idea of seeing an evil doctor stun people, drag them into surgery only to cut out their heart (while the person in question is still awake) then eat it in front of the person as they rapidly die.


Also---gibbing throwing limbs AND organs everywhere would be kinda awesome.


That said, removing internal organ damage surgery would be bad, in my opinion. Even with super competent doctors, it can take quite a while to repair internal organ damage in conjunction with broken bones---this would exacerbate this even further as it would not only require more steps for a single organ, but require a separate surgery for each organ.

Wouldn't it be better to have them be able to pick from a list of organs at the stage where the bruise pack is applied? Like, a little dialog with a menu of choices, they could apply it to each of the organs (or, when using the scalpel, pick which one to cut out). There's no reason at all to make them completely finish the surgery and start all over.


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