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Remove/Nerf Disposals Climbing


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Title, it's borderline insane how broken it is. It's a get out of jail free card with regards to Sec, and has no counter except for excessive beating of prisoners (encouraging shitcurity). It also allows you to deny other players a chance to interact with you at all.


It should either be impossible to disposals yourself(I'm not even sure putting yourself in disposals is intended function, considering the fact it takes timing to do so), or it should severely injure anyone going through it.


This one's pretty brief, but there's not much to say on the matter.


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The only counter is excessive beating? That doesn't even make any sense; stunbaton->cuff and they're done like any other instance.


Also the fact you always wind up in the same spot whenever you get flushed is really only buying you time; you're still trapped in cargo once you flush yourself.


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