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Nerf X-ray Laser Guns. (Vs. Blobs.)


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These are incredibly overpowered, most blobs occur later in the round, and if R&D knows what the hell they're doing, they'll have them by then. It doesn't matter how skilled or amazingly played the blob was, any schmuck with a single gun and a recharger can lolshoot the blob until 7-10 LIFTED BIOHAZARD DESTROYED YAAAY!

It's annoying, and it's annoying as all hell. Something something, make it so it doesn't do something, blah blah.


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As was explained to you ingame, them's the bricks. If Science can manage to get an x-ray gun because the blob event spawns late, then good on R and D, sucks for the blob.

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Yeah, x-ray laser guns are quite a late-game science item, and actually requires cooperation with both mining and security. That said, it isn't completely impossible for a blob to win given that the crew obtains x-ray lasers, it just becomes very difficult. Xray lasers only do 15 burn damage per hit, 7.5 to the blob core due to its resistance to fire damage.

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A bigger thing to mention that Event blobs are meant to cause a little chaos and possibly force the crew to get their act and do something in an otherwise boring round. They can't' win in any sort of fashion other then Blob Station 13. As such the means to really balance something because of an event isn't really all that pressing.


Game mode blob on the other hand would, but no one has X-rays that early.


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being the x-ray is such a mid too late game weapon unless you got super competent mining and science, then x-ray lasers ain't happening durring blob rounds, for events they might happen.


So nay to nerfing it.


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