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Ok so this is probably way out in left field, but i just had a thought.


WHat if the Holodeck's different holograms were actually their own Z-levels? Like you set the room to say, the beach, and rather than having that tiny little space, you go into the holodeck and it is a whole area of beachline and sun, with doors at the boundaries to leave, and if the holodeck loses power, you get popped back into the correct Z-Level.


Potential applications are boundless, as you could make a holo-thunderdome at full size, sports stadiums, even small adventure programs? I mean this whole thing is pretty out there, but it's a thought. If it goes through I wouldn't mind making the maps myself, I'm a bit of a retired spriter.


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Two first problems I see with this would be isolated atmos and it could be abused by antags to hide and setup bases or something.


Other than that, it has more potential than the current poorly coded holodeck which randomly causes the pressure in the nearby rooms to raise to >600kPa 4noraison.


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As far as hiding bases, it would probably be best (and make sense), if the Z-levels reset everytime the holodeck was turned off, and any items inside would be immediately ejected with the player. Atmos would be annoying for sure, unless you could make it match the holodeck's main z-level at all times, and as far as antags hiding, wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on the holodeck to make sure its not on randomly, maybe have monitors to view the holodeck's current mode remotely....


thinking more on it, is there a way to make damage non-permanent like the holodeck is supposed to do on another z-level? and then there would be the matter of items leaving the holodeck disappearing, though i think thats a thing already. This would be a pretty cool thing if we could get it going smoothly.


Also might make the holodeck computer more easily accessible to prevent grief and make it harder to defend, in case of said base use, and on that same note, though this is probably impossible, dealing damage to the holodeck itself could damage the programs if they are on? like as the floor panels in the main holodeck take damage, more and more spots in the program rooms start going to static and acting funny. though thats more of a "later on" kind of thing, I don't even know how this would all work, as I can't code for crap.


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  • 2 weeks later...


I remember Goons "Virtual Reality".

You were buckled into a specific Chair and then your character would get copied over into another Z-Level.

Death would result into a deletion of the virtual person.

Plus you aren't able to take any of your items into the virtual world, that means, even as a Traitor you are very vulnerable while being there.


It'd be much better and more interesting than the Holodeck itself.


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  Zargul said:
I remember Goons "Virtual Reality".

You were buckled into a specific Chair and then your character would get copied over into another Z-Level.

Death would result into a deletion of the virtual person.

Plus you aren't able to take any of your items into the virtual world, that means, even as a Traitor you are very vulnerable while being there.


It'd be much better and more interesting than the Holodeck itself.


That sounds pretty damn cool, not sure how hard it'd be to code, but have VR laser and sword fights and crap, VR highlander and dodgeball things... that just sounds interesting to me. Have a virtual run through a syndicate outpost and fight some NPC syndies or pirates... and potentially emag the machine for a "you die in the game you die in real life" approach where they can't leave until they complete X objective or die trying.


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  TheFlagbearer said:
Didn't we have a prototype VR sim at one point? A dangerous, extremely hot desert VR area? I may be confusing it with another server.


I don't believe we have done VR before... but I've not been around for over a year and a half.


  monkeysfist101 said:
If we did that, Dum, we'd need a Tranquility Lane simulation.


Dave would have fun playing as Betty, turning Slade into a dog for disobeying his orders to dick with people, and then have people do his bidding to either escape or hack a mainframe by punching a gnome, radio, pitcher, and cinder block a whole bunch until they find the combination.


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