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An IPC's guide on Not Getting Killed!

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Greetings, fellow synthetic crew of the Cyberiad. It's a well known fact IPCs are as flimsy as toilet paper! So, naturally, we are cautious as fuck! This usually works, however, everyone makes mistakes, and I have written a guide on how to avoid them.



According to NanoPedia, "An electromagnetic pulse (EMP), also sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse may occur in the form of a radiated, electric or magnetic field or conducted electric current depending on the source, and may be natural or man-made." This kills the IPC.




  • That damn stupid amazingly lucky xenoarchaeologist that found an EMP artifact!

  • The singularity! (of fucking course)

That douchebag shitcurity bastard nice, caring officer that got his grubby monkey hands well-deserved Ion rifle!

Changelings with their EMP powers!

EMP grenades!

Actually, anything with "ion" or "E.M.P." in it's name!




Lasers. Bad. No touch. Heat. Zappy zap. Your plating --will-- melt off with enough blasts, that ain't pleasant at all.




  • Energy guns on the "kill" setting, identified by the red glow on the top!

  • Emitters!

Laser guns! (The green kind, those hurt.)

Turrets on the "kill" setting!

[spoiler2]Syndicate deathsquads![/spoiler2] The Syndicate death squad is a lie. Any rumors stating the existance of such a death squad are false.

Any kind of laser that looks bulky and makes a distinct noise! (Not to be confused with disabler beams, which are a kind of laser that will DISABLE you, not kill you. You will often see this kind when an officer has the blue light on his taser.)




Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Ever touch an electrified airlock? Then you know how flimsy we are to this.




  • Wear insulated gloves whenever you work on live wires, these help alot!

  • Be prepared to lose your arms!

Make sure your aforementioned insulated gloves are real, and not made out of some cheap material!

Don't be stupid!


Rarely will you die to this as long as you aren't a dumbass.



Yes. Space has wildlife.




  • Space carp, you will literally be torn apart!

  • Spiders, you will literally be torn apart!

Xenos, you will literally be torn apart!

Doomcrabs, you will literally be torn apart!

Mega Carp, you wi- You get it, now?!



never expanded rip


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More to avoid

- Spiders

- People with any weapon that is effective in any way that is better than their fists.

- Carp

- Low pressure areas

- Fire

- Shocked anything

- Crushing doors

- Getting Revived after death (organ bugs, infections, random organicification of any and all limbs/organs, etc.)

- Guns

- Lasers

- Emitters

- High pressure areas

- Hacked Vending machines

- people who enjoy throwing anything at all

- The Bar

- The Clown

- Space lube

- The Janitor

- Any damage.




How to survive a round as an IPC.


Find a dark, isolated room, such as the asteroid outposts or fire storage closet.


Find or drag a closet into this lonely corner and hide inside.


Step out every 15 minutes or so to steal power from an APC


Hide in your closet for 2 and a half hours, wait for crew transfer.


Get blasted apart on your way to the shuttle. Typically do to some harmless item being lobbed in your direction such as a discarded bag of beef jerky.


Cry robot tears as your disabled body is abondoned 3 tiles from the escape shuttle and you are left behind.


[in all seriousness. Why can some chucklefuck who got his Prosthetic arm or leg 5 minutes ago safely and fully rewire the damn thing after shocking it on a door, but an IPC can't fix itself?]




How to survive a round as an IPC.


Find a dark, isolated room, such as the asteroid outposts or fire storage closet.


Find or drag a closet into this lonely corner and hide inside.


Step out every 15 minutes or so to steal power from an APC


Hide in your closet for 2 and a half hours, wait for crew transfer.


Get blasted apart on your way to the shuttle. Typically do to some harmless item being lobbed in your direction such as a discarded bag of beef jerky.


Cry robot tears as your disabled body is abondoned 3 tiles from the escape shuttle and you are left behind.


[in all seriousness. Why can some chucklefuck who got his Prosthetic arm or leg 5 minutes ago safely and fully rewire the damn thing after shocking it on a door, but an IPC can't fix itself?]


Bitch please, I run around maintenance and I am never killed, muahahaha



Because the average medbay player dosen't have enough brains to spread on a single biscuit, if you get put offline as an IPC, you have NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of being revived enough, because most medbay players just shunt the blind gibbering machine off to robotics when they should be fucking doing eye Surgery and fucking liquid solder to use on the IPC to fix them up, but no, all of medbay is too busy ERPing or being stupid to understand the "complex nuances" of IPC revivial. But I digress.



After learning all of chem, surgery, cloning, general first aid, genetics and virology stuff, don't expect medbay to know how to fix an IPC if you play one. Same goes for Vox, Plasmamen, etc. SS13 has a steep learning curve, don't expect everyone to know the obscure mechanics for obscure races that don't exist on every codebase.


If you play an IPC, assume you'll have to teach them how to do it. They are medical doctors after all, not roboticists. ICly, few should even know how to do it.


  • 4 years later...

Carrying around at least two (2) full spools of cable coil and one (1) welding tool of the best quality you can find in your internals box can save you in a pinch.

Welding tool qualities from worst to best. (The experimental welding tool and alien welding tools are effectively the same.)
Emergency Welding Tool (10u of fuel, printed in autolathes and found in red toolboxes)
Welding Tool (20u of fuel, printed by autolathes)
Industrial Welding Tool (40u of fuel, printed by hacked autolathes and found in syndicate toolboxes)
Upgraded Welding Tool (80u of fuel, found in hacked Youtool vendors)
Experimental Welding Tool (Infinite fuel, printable by R&D, may overheat from rapid use, such as when attacking with it)
Alien Welding Tool (Infinite fuel, starting equipment for Abductors, printable by R&D if reverse-engineered, may overheat from rapid use, such as when attacking with it)

1 hour ago, Spacemanspark said:

You should probably make your own updated thread, rather than necroing one from 2015 that most won't look at. 

I'll look at it...

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