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Ban end of round bombings.


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This was funny the first three times.

But now it's just lame and causes the server to lag for minutes on end if it's big enough, often resulting in an admin having to force round restart.

When I say bombings, I mean ALL forms of bombings. Admin or playerwise.


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I agree so much.

Isn't the entire point of the end of round being a free-for-all to let people blow off steam? If so then it's kinda lame that one person can basically take that entire thing away because they made a bomb. It's just really frustrating and that frustration of not being able to do anything or even react can totally carry over to the next round. It's also extra irritating when bombs cause excessive lag/crashing and delay the restart of the round. =/


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I like the idea, but restricting end of round will invariably end up with players getting banned who otherwise would have been perfectly fine community members. I'd agree with it if it were something you get one or two warnings about before a punishment, and perhaps only banning explosions bigger than 3x3 to still let people play with some of the toys they made over the course of the round.

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There are bomb testing grounds for a reason.

I wouldn't say a punishment would need to be extremely harsh, perhaps a warning the first time it occurs, and then start with 15 minute bans. (Causes them to miss the start of the next round.) and progress from there.


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I like the idea, but restricting end of round will invariably end up with players getting banned who otherwise would have been perfectly fine community members. I'd agree with it if it were something you get one or two warnings about before a punishment, and perhaps only banning explosions bigger than 3x3 to still let people play with some of the toys they made over the course of the round.



I'd prefer a warning/ban even then to be a devastating bomb and server lag


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I'd point out that the lag generated by explosions is better resolved via optimizations than out and out forbidding them--end of round bombing ban (for lag reasons) coherently means that bombings in general should be banned as well (as they tend to generate more lag than shuttle bombings by virtue of destroying more things)--and that's not a good thing.

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Oh so the bombs are caused by people? They are so frequent I thought they were automated or something.


Just set the bomb cap to 1 after the shuttle lands so the bomber only gibs himself, hue. And maybe also empty all beakers or something, or freeze all chemical reaction procs to stop nerd chemist griefers goddamn.


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Personally against end of round griff full stop myself.


I don't mind the explosions though if it is happening. Bombs lagging the place is a code problem.


My problem is people stocking up icly for an ooc event.


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....also I'm often the one responsible for blowing the shuttle up at the end of round. Mainly to cut down attack log spam when I'm still investigating somethin.

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The end of round stuff usually pretty fun, and sometimes is the most fun of the round. Amazingly, some people continue to try and RP through, it others just go fucking nuts.


Disabling or removing bombs, grenades and hellmixes would actually be pretty nice, since there is no reason for people to be carrying these items in the first place aside from the end of round FFA.


An auto highlander would probably clear this up, as 10-20 people in a close space would give them the bloodbath they desire, and prevent the explosions and stockpiling of dangerous items, as highlander replaces your inventory anyways. Throwing or utilizing these items before the shuttle docks would constitute as shuttle greif anyways, so this seems like a win-win for everyone except those who intentionally stockpile crap to use at the end of the round.


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Vox can survive quite a while without their N2 tank, I spawned as a scientist in a highlander round and managed to kill 5 people while working my way to the bridge, slugging through the random events thrown at me. Towards the end I was relying heavily upon the RNG items the admins kept spawning, but I had a good 10-15 minutes of life, much longer than the 60 seconds we usually get. Plasmamen, I don't know how long they can last, I haven't seen a naked plasma in so long, last time I saw one they seemed quite capable of short bursts without their plasma suit.


In addition to removing hellmixes and bombs from science, it would remove the armor and weapons of security and various command staff, putting everyone on an even playing field, it doesn't HAVE to be highlanders, but just about anything that removes your backpack and replaces it with something else works, from an 'Everyone is ERT' to force wizards to everyone gets a black jumpsuit and loses everything else and spawns with a toolbox in their hand that has 2-5 random combat applicable items. I can't count the number of Warden's or Heads of Security I've seen waltz onto the Shuttle with an Ion rifle in hand and a 4-6 guns in their satchel, for no other reason than to anticipate the FFA upon docking.


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Plasmamen can survive about 5-10 seconds without their suit + tank, thanks to the fact that they take two types of damage, one of which has a multiplier (fire damage). Highlander is gg no re.

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An auto highlander would probably clear this up, as 10-20 people in a close space would give them the bloodbath they desire, and prevent the explosions and stockpiling of dangerous items, as highlander replaces your inventory anyways. Throwing or utilizing these items before the shuttle docks would constitute as shuttle greif anyways, so this seems like a win-win for everyone except those who intentionally stockpile crap to use at the end of the round.

This would work... and be fairly fun.

Just yell at the coders to auto-disable attack logs after the shuttle lands. I dont need to know about 80 frothing baldies beating each other with whatever they happen to be wielding at the time.

IIRC, admin attack logs are auto-disabled the second a highlander event starts, correct?


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"black jumpsuit and loses everything else and spawns with a toolbox in their hand"


greytide mode, everyone goes default-white skin bald guy grey jumpsuit blue toolbox insulated gloves and assistant ID


"10-15 minutes of life" the only time I ever lose my tank is in highlander and I don't tend to live that long haha so IDK how long it is until the toxins kills you as a vox. I'll have to set up an experiment on a local and time it


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Highlander as soon as the shuttle lands would freeze the server for a good bit as well, particullarly mixed in with round of end scoring and having to change every single persons attire to the highlander stuff.


But more importantly, it would ruin highlander. The fun of it is that it comes so rarely, so that would just devalue the rounds we use it.


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Oh so the bombs are caused by people? They are so frequent I thought they were automated or something.


Just set the bomb cap to 1 after the shuttle lands so the bomber only gibs himself, hue. And maybe also empty all beakers or something, or freeze all chemical reaction procs to stop nerd chemist griefers goddamn.

Perhaps this, then?


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Oh so the bombs are caused by people? They are so frequent I thought they were automated or something.


Just set the bomb cap to 1 after the shuttle lands so the bomber only gibs himself, hue. And maybe also empty all beakers or something, or freeze all chemical reaction procs to stop nerd chemist griefers goddamn.

Perhaps this, then?



That's a whole lot of snowflake for 0.7% of the round.


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