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PSI abilities


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I was thinking what if we all had the ability to cast psychic powers with an implant that you hold in your hand that would either aid or harm people and/or objects. Kind of like in Bioshock, System Shock and Mass Effect.


Example being a botanist being able to speed up the growth speed or being able to make wheat grow again after harvest.


A security officer being able to put criminals in a temporary stasis with their mind to stun them in order to bring them into custody. If they can prevent the criminal from getting away with his own PSI abilities too.


It may seem like a big and pointless thing to some of you but, I'm really anxious to know how it would effect the gameplay of Paradise Station.


Players are also given the choice to get more PSI abilities from genetics. However, be prepared to pay top dollar as they would cost a lot of credits to purchase a single PSI power.


Though of course when using PSI too much, you end up getting terrible headaches since you're literally using the psychic fuel of your brain. Using PSI then will literally damage your head and may cause your head to explode by abusing your PSI abilities too much if your not careful. Too much of a good thing can be bad for you of course.


What do you guys think about it?


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On the credits idea, that's not much of a balancing factor, since money isn't useful anyway.

I think this would be a cool, great idea... if anyone was willing to code it.


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On the credits idea, that's not much of a balancing factor, since money isn't useful anyway.

I think this would be a cool, great idea... if anyone was willing to code it.


Good point. I once heard a character say that Nanotransen supports free trade with employees on the station. Which means stuff like drinks from the bartender or food from the chef are always free to people who work in the station. Civilians though I think have to pay.


Anyway, I edited the post a bit where I say that a PSI implant is needed to cast such abilities. Kind of like the PSI implant from System Shock 2. Everyone is either given one by R&D or Genetics at the start of a round or are given the choice to receive one from either science, R&D and/or Genetics.


It's my way of bringing some balance on the PSI abilities if they ever get implemented since you also run the risk of getting your implant taken away or disarmed from you. Which means you can't cast any PSI abilities without it.


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