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The DOT | The Morphic Clerical Kit


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[The DOT]


Just like how the Server automatically sets the first alphabet of a sentence to a capital letter, it should be added that a dot will be put at the end of each statement/sentence. It gives me the cringes that people forget to put the dot behind their sentences.


That's all, not much to post but this.


[Morphic Clerical Kit]


Basically, we need something how we can fake paperwork with, and I would suggest porting over Bays Morphic Clerical Kit.

http://wiki.baystation12.net/Syndicate_ ... erical_Kit

Would add some more tactical game into the life of an antag.


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I disagree with a full-stop being automatically added to the end of a sentence. It can help to provide a different feeling to what you are saying. Also, is a missing full stop really more jarring than ALL CAPS SENTENCES instead of a single exclamation mark at the end of your sentence?


Morphic clerical kit seems like it would be fun, but nobody does paperwork anyway. How about... a traitor fax machine? One that can intercept faxes posted to Centcomm and can send faxes to other machines?


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No. Some people deliberately use this as part of their style--furthemore, some people like to chop their sentence up and don't punctuate mid-sentence to emphasize that.


This isn't Grammar Station 13.


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I don't know what kind of style it would be to not put a dot on the end of the sentence, it.. Doesn't really make sense to adapt such a "style".

And I don't mean sentence, but at the end of each "say" a automatical dot if you don't understand what I mean.


Also, what I mean through Morphic Clerical Kit is that it could even contain a pen that could fake signatures and well stamps so you can maybe get the job of Security Officer as Antag with avoiding the implant as Rev or something like that, and maybe even fake Central Command Stamps (?).


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I don't know what kind of style it would be to not put a dot on the end of the sentence, it.. Doesn't really make sense to adapt such a "style".

And I don't mean sentence, but at the end of each "say" a automatical dot if you don't understand what I mean.


My IPC is one of the characters who deliberately avoids ending their sentence with punctuation as part of their style.


While I will use mid-sentence punctuation like commas, I will (typically) not end the sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark to reflect that no inflection is being used in the tone at all. Sure, this can be confusing, which is also partially the intent behind it, but forcing the punctuation would render this developed personality quirk rather obsolete and nearly impossible to continue.


I do have a habit of forgetting punctuation on my human character (mostly it's simply due to rushing my typing in tense moments, others just plain forgot), though that is not an intended mannerism.


The clerical kit isn't bad, but I do kinda question the amount of use it would get (especially with it being trivial to get different colored pens and a hand-labeller as a non-antag). Could potentially just replace the Chameleon stamp with a kit that contains that stuff (since the kit contains the stamp already).


TL;DR: I don't punctuate on purpose (RP reasoning), forcing punctuation would severely complicate the matter. Kit is okay.


EDIT: Perhaps if the pen can fake signatures, it would take the name from your worn ID (meaning an agent ID would be needed to forge the captain's signature) and/or have some subtle giveaway that it is fake (perhaps the signature ends with a period or is slightly different in size from the normal one)


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I don't know what kind of style it would be to not put a dot on the end of the sentence, it.. Doesn't really make sense to adapt such a "style".

And I don't mean sentence, but at the end of each "say" a automatical dot if you don't understand what I mean.


Why not? A full-stop clearly shows a definitive 'stop', whereas leaving it off could indicate a breathlessly-said sentence, someone who doesn't talk clearly or inflect their sentences, or a completely deadpan sentence.


Fox meant that sometimes people use multiple say commands for one sentence. Adding a full-stop to the end of each of these dramatically changes the meaning of what that person is trying to say.


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Fox meant that sometimes people use multiple say commands for one sentence. Adding a full-stop to the end of each of these dramatically changes the meaning of what that person is trying to say.


Suddenly they.

Begin to talk like.

William Shatner.


... In space again.


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