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I would like to leave an idea for a hotel


add station in an area with several hotel rooms for use, serve to role-play and give more things good use of money

You could have several rooms with safety button and a small number in the door, I'm not sure how much space in the station may need something like


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Dorms used to have bedrooms.

Those were scrapped because I think nobody used them and/or it looked ERP inviting and/or gave antags a place to hide stuff without fear.


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I had at one point done up a quick proof-of-concept mapping for a couple bedrooms to house the dressers. It was located alongside the barbershop, however the area was then taken by a redesigned solar array in that area, so I scrapped it.


Giving antags a place to hide is not a bad thing, however ERP uses would be a definite concern for including bedrooms. More likely than not, however, they would be used about as frequently as the restrooms (never).


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Yeah, I kind of miss the purpose that personal rooms held but I do respect the use that the cyro pods serve. You can't really make enough rooms for everyone on the station and that's if they would use it like said above. It would be a nice place for privacy however so antags could do their stuff.

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I don't think "ERP uses" should ever be taken into account when doing mapping.


If people are ERPing on the server itself, you smack them upside the head with a ban.


A few rooms you could potentially ID-lock would be a neat idea, though.


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Outposts and Virology have bedrooms. The librarian has a small personal room too, and you can get airlock electronics from some maint door and make your own room somewhere. But more areas is more fun.

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