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I wanted to propose the idea of mapping a small bank with a vault, where having the ability to change coins made of mineral , also change money for coins


example: diamond = 1000 credits

one would put a vault with cabinets and crates,and different amounts of money inside the bank


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A bank would be nice if we had a persistent economy system in place, which we do not.


There had been some trials towards implementing a persistent economy, but this was put on indefinite hold. I'd like to see it revived and brought back, however gaining the traction for this is one of the many obstacles that would need to be overcome.


As for the mineral coins, mining / cargo can make coins (unless the minting machine got mapped out again), which cargo could then freely sell for whatever amount of credits they wish.


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I REALLY want to see the space dollars and coins be put to use. Likewise I'd like to see the wallet be used as well for holding said money. The only problem I see however is anyone properly using the economy as it would be annoying to do. Maybe if you inserted automatic sellers, like for a chef he would put food in a case and people could buy the food from that after inserting the cash. Maybe even a request system like in normal restaurants where you order and then get served. Also give the HoP the job of paying everyone. I'd want to see that be done personally.

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