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/tg/ got it, and people can be held accountable for their actions.





Among other things, it will allow for better player complaint reports, allows those who code, but are not staff, or just coders in general a easy way to access runtime logs.


I think this would be really interesting to do.


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Posted (edited)

Against it as people would potentially use logs against people ICly to metagrudge, or reveal personal IC matters. A lot of personal stuff is discussed in both msay and asay too, and I doubt many of our staff would feel comfortable with that being released publically.

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N.. No.


The last thing I want is griefers having visible access to any faults in our logs without putting in any effort of testing it all out to find flaws to exploit themselves.


Another thing I wouldn't want to see is all the players being able to see any and all conversations among admins and moderators in msay, asay and PMs.


It would perhaps make coders' jobs easier to some extent, but most runtime logs can be detected locally anyway, along with anything else relating to most feature testing.


Player complaints have always been an admin's responsibility to figure out, not a player's, the complainer providing necessary information regarding the event (name, ckey, time, date) is so far sufficient in catching the criminals, I do not think that we need to expose the entire logs with all the admin and attack logs to them so they could scour them for any nitpicks they can find to make their own case as biased as possible.


An admin would just look for the facts, an upset complainer might look for anything at all to make him appear more worthy of punishment than he really is.


At the end of the day, logs are very much for admin eyes only, and keeping it that way has worked so far and I don't see this change being required.


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  FreeStylaLT said:
N.. No.


The last thing I want is griefers having visible access to any faults in our logs without putting in any effort of testing it all out to find flaws to exploit themselves.


Another thing I wouldn't want to see is all the players being able to see any and all conversations among admins and moderators in msay, asay and PMs.


It would perhaps make coders' jobs easier to some extent, but most runtime logs can be detected locally anyway, along with anything else relating to most feature testing.


Player complaints have always been an admin's responsibility to figure out, not a player's, the complainer providing necessary information regarding the event (name, ckey, time, date) is so far sufficient in catching the criminals, I do not think that we need to expose the entire logs with all the admin and attack logs to them so they could scour them for any nitpicks they can find to make their own case as biased as possible.


An admin would just look for the facts, an upset complainer might look for anything at all to make him appear more worthy of punishment than he really is.


At the end of the day, logs are very much for admin eyes only, and keeping it that way has worked so far and I don't see this change being required.

Beat me to it.


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msay, asay, and ahelps can be censored, in the program used, and if it's not, it can be.


Regarding metagrudging, well that is bannable just like anything else, and not having something that overall will be more helpfull then not is a wrong way to hink of things.


Also, regarding coders finding it locally, well they find it if they know it is actually runtiming.


All that will be there is essentially admin actions and and chat.


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No, Just No.


5 reasons.


2. metagrudging. (It will happen one way or another.)

3. Admin eyes only ( if the logs because for all to see then we will learn how the admins think and then we can change what we type to them to see if we can not get banned from doing X and not following rule X but get away with it due to we know how to reply to that admin X to soften the blow.)

4. it's freaking hard to censor stuff

5. This is just a bad Suggestion. (that and you really want to read that one time that two IPC were doing it :D? I don't want to know that... lol)


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First off, I don't think Paradise is /tg/. Maybe that works for them, but it might not for Paradise.


Second off, no. No. No.


All the other reasons have been touched upon. It could lead to metagrudging, powergaming by knowing character relationships, and just a bunch of other bad stuff.


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  Regen said:
It would require more effort than what its worth, right now the only arguments I see for it is "Because it can be interesting" and "Because it might help coders"


Literally only one of those makes a lick of sense. Normal server logs contain nothing of use to a non-staff coder.


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This suggestion.... it almost feels like y o u d o n 't t r u s t t h e a d m i n s . . .


  Belario said:

afterall we'd all understand why nobody'd want to reveal the sekrit admin ERP chat :P

also thanks for reminding me that i need to spam-shitpost dorfs and steampunk there.


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Anybody has access to the observe function, so game logs weren't actually private to begin with.


That said, this is still probably a bad idea- admins are here for a reason, we don't need internet detectives going on crusades to try slip up players they don't like


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  Coldflame said:
Anybody has access to the observe function, so game logs weren't actually private to begin with.


That said, this is still probably a bad idea- admins are here for a reason, we don't need internet detectives going on crusades to try slip up players they don't like


The server logs contain far more than just what observers can notice, including every action any admin makes, every single different chat including antag OOC, every single attack log from every single weapon, every punch, every disarm, every explosion.


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