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Fun ideas.


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I thought that it might be fun or interesting if people were able to attempt to speak different languages which would result into gibberish/something insulting/something funny, that the person who is fluent in the language would see, but the person who said it wouldn't be able to see what they just said. Which of course this would result into some conflicts.


Another idea, straight razor traitor weapon, if someone was a barber traitor they could be killing the targets Sweeney Todd style.


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I like the idea for the gibberish speak when attempting to speak a language you don't know. Clearly people wouldn't be able to attempt to speak all languages (humans would never be able to attempt to speak trinary, bubblish, rootspeak, etc.), but it'd be great to see some Tajaran try to say thank you for the food in Sol Common, which results in him calling his human chef friend a piece of shit.


The straight razor would be cool, but a bit too easy to call out traitors if they had it. It'd be a neat item to spawn in the barber shop though, as a general item. Something to shave facial hair, perhaps? And obviously could be used to kill people, if they want to do it Sweeney Todd style.


Inb4 someone sets up a gibber in the barber shop and starts offering a combo of the best haircuts and best meatpies this side of Epsilon Eridani.


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Gar ger gra gergra gar


Translation: I dance monkeys on the grape window of your woolen sister.


I want.



Also why do you listen to nukkel? I haven't admined the server in months and i know how much of a massive arse he is. I'm not *BLAM*ing him because it would be an insult to the boltpistol.


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That'd be pretty fun, I dun understand how a Human would try and speak Trinary but perhaps with some/most of the languages or maybe even just the secondary languages like Tradeband, Gutter etc.


Also... yesyesyesyes to the straight razor for BarberT.


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