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Admin Key: don't know his key but his name is maybe Kluys ( rage quit before i had a good look at the name)


Complaint: he dismiss the issue.



So here what happen, I was playing round like any out time but i got all access from the HoP and only he and me knew that i had all access and then a random T stun and cuff me and then drag me to labor camp, and try out my ID to see that i had all access, so i make a complanit asking if i was his terget or not but they won't tell me then i said if i was not his terget then how did he found out in the 1st place i had all access but still they won't say and just dismiss the issue without saying why.


and all i wanted to know that If i was his terget or not and how he found out i had all access without trying it out and that it.


If they "DID" tell me i was or was not his terget and how he found out then i will just be ok with it, and watch from the dead.


Edited by Guest
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What happened this shift is that you got murdered for having an all access ID.

Something the traitor, who didn't -have- to kill you wanted to make completion of his objective (theft) easier.

You then proceeded to say "fuck u" after being told to go to the forums and make a player complaint if you really felt like continueing the issue.

The behavior of earlier shifts nearly hitting someone with a powered crossbow, swearing to an admin over the admin pm's, and making a huge deal out of an IC issue after being told that it was an IC issue,

Resulted in you being permanently banned from the server unless you appeal the ban.


Please remember that we aren't in any case forced to reveal IC information like traitor objectives.


Thats my input on this, Another admin will handle the complaint.


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Well then just don't write off the issue as if it was nothing, if you do that then you just going to piss off the players.



and I told you that i did not mean to hit him, i mean to fire a warning shot but hell, they take your word over my.


and what about rule 6? uh? If i was not his terget then he ruin the round for me just to get all access.


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