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I am Vitaly Kovalenko, former head security of the NSS Cyberiad.


It was shocking to suddenly hear that all contracts were torn up. Sections split into nations. I knew which direction we were headed. I've heard about it before. It was going to be a big ass power struggle and I will have no part in it.


I left my men behind. Formally now citizens of "Brigston". What an unoriginal name, I know. I had it styled like a western democracy - though funnily enough I never had elections.


Meeting with the head of Cargonia; the former section of cargo, I described to the quartermaster what I wished to do. Brigston was to formally surrender all its assets - on the following conditions:

1. Cargonia will give amnesty for anything Brigstoneers had done up until that point.

2. Cargonia will provide full citizenship for any and all members of Brigston.

3. Cargonia must be styled a democracy, or we would take no part.


The quartermaster luckily accepted the demands - though they were struck by an acute case of SSD. They told me that I must lead the new nation in their place.


As self styled leader of Brigcargonia, I ordered all my former Brigstoneers to move all our equipment to our new home - it is only good that happened as well, later we would find out an IPC by the name of SINA had broken into the armoury. Sucker, it was empty all along.


The former NT rep paid me a visit later that "shift". We were to have a civilized resolution signed - in which I guaranteed Brigcargonia would be at peace with other signing nations, and in which we guaranteed delivering materials to other nations.



Later that day, it would have appeared some citizens felt like our laws are to be taken lightly. Betraying the nation, they commited several acts of aggression. Without further delay.... the nations of the treaty earlier that day all simultaneously declared war on us.


I knew that I had to keep the people safe. Not only our own - but it would be a useless waste of human life if I allowed our soldiers to unleash lethal weapons onto people besieging the nation. I didn't even know we had traitors in our midst at that time... Why would they declare war on us anyway?


I did what had to be done. I grabbed onto my headset.... and offered an unconditional surrender. - The other nations seemed to be a bit hesitant to consider it at first. It would then be made clear to me what happened. Two of the former cargonians had commited atrocities... I told "Commandium" I'd allow peace keeping forces to arrest the traitors of Brigcargonia .... a truce took effect. Later the decision was made that these two.... inhumane pieces of trash were to be borged.


You have no idea how relieved I was, when the other nations accepted a peace treaty. No true Brigcargonians were hurt... lives were safe. That is all that mattered.



I tried sending a letter to central command. I..... lied about our ability to cover the legal costs that caused everyone's dismissal. .... I know they'd sue me... but I had to keep the civilians safe. If we could all be re-hired... at least the younger crew members would have a future.


The letter remained unanswered. But it's consequences are clear as crystal.


The medics... out of all people. Medics. they genetically enhanced themselves.... then made some sort of horrible virus. But there was hope. It looks like central forgot to turn off the automated shift rotation protocols... a shuttle was on it's way.


I ordered my men - and asked anyone else who wished for a safe journey home to proceed to the pods at arrivals.


We made it. Safe and sound. And I'm somewhat relieved that so many retained their humanity. .... I just hope the other nations' civilians were as lucky.


The lawsuit... it's well on its way. I know I can't pay for any of it. I will be financially ruined.


Cory. If you find this letter, please give this letter to Tanya Kovalenko; my sister.




Nations round, security did not murderbone.


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