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Just allow mice to be picked up, like drones or nymphs or somethin'.

I thought you used to be able to do this, dunno why it got removed.


Why do I want this?


1) Someone can probably code rat-kebabs or other rat-based food items if they wanted to now (Or at least it would be easier?) that they could be used as items

2) Harmless pranks whereas you throw rats at people or shove rats into people's pockets/hands.

3) Easier transport of rats and the ability to kinda keep a rat as a pet. (Who wouldn't like roleplaying a pet mouse for a round or two?)

4) Why the hell not? I don't imagine it'd be too hard if we can do the same exact thing with Diona!


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  • 1 month later...

I'd like to see mice (and all small pests, really) be able to be picked up and carried around. This could be all sorts of fun for reasons stated above, but also nice as it would give them an inventory size so you could do things like put them in a box and wrap it as a gift, keep them in pockets as portable pets, and of course fill someones chest with them.



So I noticed you can pick up dead mice and they don't have a sprite. I also noticed you can wear mice on your head and that reminded me that I had done some sprites for in-hand and hat-form for mice similar to how diona are held/worn. If anyone wants 'em i'll leave 'em here.

Hat_Mouse.zipFetching info...

Hat_Mouse.zipFetching info...



Has anyone actually fixed this? Because I realized my goof in this and could easily fix it right now. Granted it gets merged.


This was supposed to be my first time contributing and I fucked it up. I FUCKED UP. I can't show my face anymore

  FoS said:
So I noticed you can pick up dead mice and they don't have a sprite. I also noticed you can wear mice on your head and that reminded me that I had done some sprites for in-hand and hat-form for mice similar to how diona are held/worn. If anyone wants 'em i'll leave 'em here.

Sure, I'll try them. Maybe I can use it to REDEEM MYSELF. D:

Otherwise, we do have sprites for pAI mice already made. Might want to keep them similar if they aren't already?


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