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Should the Science mascot be a monkey instead of E-N?  

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Who the hell actually likes E-N? I almost always see him get shoved into the Robotics Wardrobe or the Mech Bay where no one can see him? I understand that a robot dog seems like a great pet for scientists and roboticists, but every other department has a unique pet (except cargo?). I propose to make the pet for science not another dog (he's technically a robot but... c'mon.), but instead a monkey! Monkeys are much more vital to Science. How would we feed our voracious slimes to create golems and living metal crates? How would we know the effects of injecting straight Krokodil or wearing a shock pack? What other creature could be injected with dangerous viruses? Monkeys fuel our curiosity and bring us joy. The name of this mascot is still up in the air, though I'm fond of Abraham (I don't know why but there's something hilarious and bizarre about a monkey in a diaper named Abraham). He would also start in the RD's office like how all the other pets start in a head's office.


P.S. Does Cargo have a pet? Medical has Runtime, Security has Sergeant Araneus, Engineering has Poly, Service has PunPun(?), Command has Ian (or is he the Cargo pet?). I've seen a lizard in the QM's office many times, so if that's not already the pet, it could become one.


P.P.S. I know PunPun already exists but Ian and E-N are the same thing. PunPun and Abraham wouldn't be much different, other than I believe a monkey is better for Science.


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E-N is so fucking infuriating. Whenever you want to drag someone's soon-to-be corpse through robotics you have to struggle to get past that shitlord just because his only purpose is to make your small-scale logistical operations fail miserably and to emit those shit sparks that are annoying as all hell. The only proper way to deal with E-N is to kill him with EMP, shove him down disposals and track down his maker only to kill everyone he's ever loved.


Still, mokeys suck servos, so I'd rather see E-N.




  Belario said:
E-N is so much better if you emag him.

Drag him to the bar first though if you want to share the happy fun time.

Imma need to know what that does.






Yeah, the RD (and thus science, by the logic we're using) already has Lamarr. Cargo can order their own pet on a whim, so I've never been too worried about that. Also, it would probably be sucked onto a belt and spaced or something if they had one.




  tastyfish said:
  Tauka Usanake said:
Question: What ever happened to Mr. Muggles? I know he used to be Pun Pun but WHAT happened to him?


What's bothering me now is I swear I used to know the story behind that and now I've completely forgotten.

Man, I really want to know where he went. I remember when my old server stuck him in arrivals for no reason.


  HereticChurch said:
Ever wonder what the meat is that the chef starts with..?

He always did make the best burgers




I would favor simply deleting E-N.

Of all the shifts I have played in science (most of them, probably) he has been nothing but an annoyance. He screws up your movement in robotics, his sparking always makes you wonder what is making that goddam annoying noise, and I have never seen him be useful in any way.

He's not even cute, like Runtime, confined to a case (like Lamarr), or even limited to a seldom-used office (like Araneus or Lamarr). Instead he's a useless, annoying creature in the middle of a small but frequently used sub-department.


A monkey mascot for science seems like videogame cruelty potential. Have you *seen* how monkies are treated in science? Hint: science has space cleaner for a reason. Also, monkies are common as dirt. Science deserves a theme-appropriate, non-annoying pet. A white lab mouse, for example. Thematic, not annoying (it cannot push you because it is too small, it doesn't make loud/annoying sounds) and cannot be confused with the lab testing animals. Plus, when you eliminate dogs and cats, what else is there which is small, fuzzy and cute? Mice are one of the surprisingly few options. Give him a tiny labcoat on his sprite and call him Dr. Cheeses. Or, if you want to give him a serious name, "Nano".




  tzo said:
A white lab mouse, for example. Thematic, not annoying (it cannot push you because it is too small, it doesn't make loud/annoying sounds) and cannot be confused with the lab testing animals.

Cool idea, but you're probably partially mistaken. Mice do make squeeking sounds when you step on them (and that sound is only heard by that person), as far as I remember.


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