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Not sure it's the right name of the machine, but I think it should be possible to print holsters for shitcurity in the biogenerator. The tasers fit and would make an officer just a bit more dangerous if the botanists were willing to help.


Yay or nay?




It's really not difficult to get a TON of biomass in the biogenerator, especially if R&D swings by and upgrades you which has actually been happening regularly to me lately. You just gotta remember to ask 'em.


I could see holsters costing something like 1000 biomass so you can't print a ton out until you've built up a good supply of biomass.


For reference I think the most costly thing it can make right now is the leather jacket at 500 biomass? I could be wrong.


I fully support the idea of printing holsters from the biogenerator.




Considering there's not upper limit on the amount of accessories one can have, this would be pretty ridiculous, even at 1000 cost.


Fair enough, but what weapons fit in a holster? I know the Detective's revolver does. Presumably some of the pistols that are available to traitors and nuke ops as well, although wearing a holster when you're not security would be a big red flag for security to search you.


Last time I checked the hybrid taser doesn't fit in a holster.


Even if someone WAS wearing two-dozen hoslters how many of those holsters could they be realistically expected to fill with weapons? Also you would think the holster hotkey would prevent them from using more than one at a time. That's something worth testing out if nobody has done it before.


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