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Bradley Wolfe


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Name: Bradley Wolfe


Age: 21


Gender: Male


Race: Vulpkanin


Blood Type: A+


General Occupational Roles: Medical, Robotics, Mechanic/Engineer, Shaft Miner, Bartender




Bradley L. Wolfe was born on June 15, 2539, on the Vulpkanin planet Aeris IV. He was the first of three children to his parents Vulrurk and Yaeinech Wolfe. Growing up, Brad’s parents had an absolute obsession with human culture. They celebrated all major human holidays, had a family structure much like that of a human family, even had him learned near perfect Common to be able to communicate efficiently with humans. They had lived in a house on one of the planet’s many beaches, which is considered concerning for the normal Vulpkanin culture of Aeris. But because of this, Brad has a very natural affection for the beach and is commonly seen wearing beach attire, even when on duty on the Cyberiad. He had spent most of his childhood with his two siblings, Darron and Samantha Wolfe, whom all share very close bonds with each other. During grade school, Brad was considered by other kids as a bit of an outlier because of his unusual upbringing, but did not keep him from gaining many friends and excelling in basic studies. It wasn’t until high school where he started to realize just how odd it was for him to be so similar to humans. Most others would not want to participate in the events that he saw as being usual and exciting, such as playing football, expressing individuality, and sometimes straying from the “pack”. After graduating high school, a massive war had emerged between Aeris III, and IV between issues of Aeris III not having the same amount of resources as their sister planet, as well as political tensions involving governmental systems.


Brad had felt strongly for his home and wanted to defend it, so he enlisted into the Aeris IV Global Armed Forces. That summer, he had gone into his basic training and technical training. He was selected as a combat medic in the 151st ground squadron. On his first and only deployment, he was sent out to near the frontlines of the capital city of Aeris IV, and immediately went to work recovering and aiding the wounded troops on the battlefield. His commanders had stated that he was “Well-natured and friendly when in times of need, but brave and confident in times of combat”. He had gained recognition from many surrounding commanders for his work on wounded soldiers, and was well respected for his willingness to fight when in times of need. However about three years into the war, and nearing the end of his first deployment, Brad’s unit had been pinned down by enemy forces, and was forced back to safety. A rogue blast of enemy explosive ordinance had caught him on his right side, completely blowing his right arm off. Because of his high medical knowledge, he was able to stop a fatal wound from bleeding out, and managed to help a few other units find friendly medical treatment. After a life-determining surgery on his arm, Brad became a purple-heart war veteran, and was officially retired as a Sergeant First Class. The war was settled four months later with Aeris IV coming out victorious in defense over their hostile neighbor. Because of his work in service, the Aeris IV government granted him funding for a cybernetic prosthetic arm, and offered him training in Biomechanic Engineering. During his time in studies, his brother Darron had began working for a private interest company known as NanoTrasen, and had continually tried to convince him to apply to work for them as well. Faced with no immediate paths to travel down, Brad had applied to work for NanoTrasen, and was accepted at the age of 21.


Qualifications: Advanced Medical Training and Patient Care

Certified Biomechanic Engineer


Employment Records: Served three years in combat in the Aeris IV Global Armed Forces


Medical Records: Amputated Right Arm (Prosthetic)

On watch for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Listed as "Doubtful")


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