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Give Greys the Empathetic Thought power alongside telepathy

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Greys are supposed to be smart, right? Why not give them the Empathetic Thought power at roundstart, too? The description for the power is


"Tells you the pain-level, intent, and random thoughts of another person. Can be blocked by Psy-Resist. "


The only useful information is intent and pain level, not the most damning information to give out. The random thoughts are just random. Could just be a neat tidbit to tie in with the Greys and their 'super smartness'.




  Fox McCloud said:
And it would also give the easy ability to steal from everyone's bank account.


Here's implying that anyone gives even half a fuck about their in-game currency unless there is a claw machine around.




  Infant Punter said:
  Fox McCloud said:
And it would also give the easy ability to steal from everyone's bank account.


Here's implying that anyone gives even half a fuck about their in-game currency unless there is a claw machine around.


But muh richest escapee award :(




  Infant Punter said:
  Fox McCloud said:
And it would also give the easy ability to steal from everyone's bank account.


Here's implying that anyone gives even half a fuck about their in-game currency unless there is a claw machine around.


Hey now! If Jonah Bright doesn't have any money in his account, how am I going to win it all via blackjack when I set a table up?




  Infant Punter said:
  Fox McCloud said:
And it would also give the easy ability to steal from everyone's bank account.


Here's implying that anyone gives even half a fuck about their in-game currency unless there is a claw machine around.


I-I like to hoard credits...




I think having money would work nicer if it was actually used and if it was saved per character between rounds. I know the former is true but I'm not sure about the latter. Probably not but would be nice. Only downside to that is richest escapee award being bothered by it. Maybe most income and richest?

I don't think they need Empathy however. Maybe toggle-able Pys-Resist but not the means to read another's mind. I'd also think Remote Viewing but that's also dangerous.


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