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Implants to Worry About


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Lets take a little look into how I picture this.

(Real Suggestion Below Story)


The fire alarms on the station flash with a red bar. The station-status displays fade from a smiling AI to a flashing message warning the crew of the stations newest threat. The Warden calls into his head set as he steps out of the armory with a shotgun in each hand. Officers line up in front of the desk fixing their helmet straps, tightening their armor clamps, and calibrating their HUD units. The officers are more than aware of whats happening; they know the time has come to put their lives on the line for the cooperation they serve.

Breathless minutes go by as the HOS and Warden work to ensure the terrorist on the station is caught. A tip goes out over the general station Coms; the officers move into position against the wall outside the room. One officer hit the door access button and another is quick to throw a flash bang in. Seconds turned to minutes as the fuse on that grenade counted down. BOOM. The officers one by one turn into the room weapons already raised. Two rush to the terrorist who now lays on the ground holding his ears in agony. The sound of the metal cuffs snapping around his wrist gives a little bit of relief to the officers. The mission is over and the guns get tucked safely away into a pouch of each officers security bag. The prisoner, bag draped over head, is taken to the security wing.

Once there he is strapped down to a chair and the mask over his face is removed. The HOS and the Warden look to each other talking quietly over what to do with him. The decision is made to lock him away in a cell with an implant. A specially designed tracking beacon that monitors a persons exact position is pushed into the flesh deep in his arm and he is roughly tossed on a bed to wait out his punishment.

Finally the hour comes for his release and he steps out of his cell. He walks out of the brig without looking back and the shift goes on for nearly an hour, and then the tides take a turn for the worst. A massive explosion rocks the bar. First reports show that 4 crew are dead and 6 more are injured. The warden runs to his computer and looks at a blank screen. He doesnt understand; the implant in the prisoner is almost like its not there...



What I suggest here is an overall to the stations implants. Implants should be a valuable tool for the security forces on the station in terms of IC and they should allow for more interesting than the typical traitor gets locked in perma standard that we have now.


Loyalty Implant: Rumor has it that this implant can cause people to go mad. Upon implantation the holder is suddenly forced into a deep love of NT... or at least they should be (see 2.1). The implant attaches itself to the the nearest major blood line making removal near impossible. This implant can be countered in a few ways:

1) Death: The implant may or may not use illegal methods to control its holder; therefore it self destructs in the event that someone with the implant's heart stops. Can this be used as an exploit of this implant? Only rumor knows.

2) EMP: Because of the implants already large size an EMP shield was not feasible. The system resets itself every 10 minutes but in the event of an EMP the holder's implant is offline for 10 minutes and during that time they are at risk to being converted. That point leads to the most terrifying draw back of this implant:

2.1) The downfall: The implant works by changing chemicals in the brain via electric pulses. This implant is the child of advanced science and not magic as rumor makes it out to be. In the event that someone is already extremely loyal to a cause (such as a cult or a Rev) then they will be driven into an even deeper love for their cause. In simple terms this means that someone implanted while still loyal to something other than NT will be immune to deconversion while they have the implant.


Tracking Implant: This implant is designed for possible re-offenders. Once implanted the implant serves as a very advanced tracking system. It uses the holders pumping blood to produce the massive amount of power that it requires to broadcast and therefor will shutdown if the persons heart stops pumping even for a short time. This implant is an upgraded version of the old tracking implant; all security robots on the station are directly linked to it and with a push of a button from the wardens officer all security bots will attempt to track, located, and arrest the person holding the implant regardless of disguise (No more safety in maintenance).



Well thanks for reading! Tell me what ya think!


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*johann lifts a stack of his own headcanon and canon he found in the depths of the github, all mixed into a variety of arcane text files*




[b]Implant Specifications:[/b][br][b]Name:[/b] Cybersun Industries Adrenaline implant.[br][b]Life:[/b] Five days.[br][b]Important notes:[/b] ILLEGAL[br][hr][b] Implant details:[/b] Subjects injected with implant can activate an injection of medical cocktails (omnizine, methamphetamine, synaptizine, ETC)[br][b]Function:[/b] Removes stuns, increases speed, and has a mild healing effect.[br][b]integrity:[/b] Implant can only be used three times before the nanobots are depleted.



Death alarm



[b]Implant Specifications:[/b][br][b]Name:[/b] Nanotrasen /Profit Margin/ Class Employee Lifesign Sensor[br][b]Life:[/b] Activates upon death.[br][b]Important notes: Alerts crew to crewmember death.[/b][br][hr][b]Function:[/b] Contains a compact radio signaler that triggers when the hosts lifesigns cease.[br][b]Integrity:[/b] Implant will occasionally be degraded by the body's immune systems and thus will occasionally malfunction .






[b]Implant Specifications:[/b][br][b]Name:[/b] Robust Corp RX-78 Employee Management Implant. [small]Intimidation class variants exist[/small][br][b]Life:[/b] Activates upon death or codephrase depending on variant.[br][b]Important Notes:[/b] Explodes, ILLEGAL.[br][hr][b]Function:[/b] Contains a compact, electrically detonated explosive that detonates upon receiving a specially encoded signal or upon host death.[br][b]Integrity:[/b] Implant will occasionally be degraded by the bodys immune system and this will occasionally malfunction.






[b]Implant Specificaations:[/b][br][b]Life:[/b]48 hours minimum [br][hr][b]Function:[/b]Using advanced bluespace storage technology developed by Biotech Solutions, this implant is capable of storing two pocket sized objects and can only be accessed by the host unless the implant is removed.[br][b]Intergrity:[/b] The specialized shell is built to withstand abuse and last for extremely long peroids of time, possibly outliving the host.






[b]Implant Specifications:[/b][br][b]Name:[/b] Mind-Slave Implant[br][b]Life:[/b] ??? [br][b]Important notes:[/b] Any Humanoid injected with this implant will become loyal to the injector, unless of course the host is already loyal to someone else and/or protected by a protector class loyalty implant[br][hr][b]Function:[/b] Contains a small pod of nanobots that manipulate the hosts mental functions.[br][b]Integrity:[/b] Implant will last so long as the nanobots are inside the bloodstream.[br][br][br][small]Diplomacy was never so easy.[/small]



Protector loyalty implant



[b]Implant Specifications:[/b][br][b]Name:[/b] /protector class/ Nanotrasen Employee Managment implant.[br][b]Life:[/b] Ten Years.[br][b]Important notes:[/b] Personnel injected with this device will be cured and/or immune to almost all subversions.[br][hr][b]Function:[/b] Contains a small pod of nanobots that protect the hosts mental functions.[br][b]Intergrity:[/b] Implant will last so long as the nanobots are inside the bloodstream.



Tracking implant



[b]Implant Specificaations:[/b][br][b]Life:[/b] 10 minutes after death of host. [br][b]Important Notes:[/b] [i]Neuro-Safe[/i]- Specialized shell absorbs excess voltages self-destructing the chip if a malfunction occurs thereby securing safety of subject. The implant will melt and disintegrate into bio-safe Elements.[br][hr][b]Function:[/b] Continuosly transmits low power signal. useful for tracking. It also accepts signals from prisoner management consoles to send messages to the implantee, as if it was projected telepathically.[br][b]Intergrity:[/b] Gradient creates slight risk of being overcharged and frying the circuitry. As a result neurotoxins can cause massive damage.




Edited by Guest
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Eh, loyalty implants were changed a long time ago to not be that. They're protective implants instead, like wearing some sunglasses around an ever-eyeflashing vampire, or a welding mask around a facehugger.

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