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You're not supposed to talk to it.

It doesn't do your bidding and has only two goals.

Kill you and kill everyone else.

Talking to it would be very one sided while it tries to murder you and using a slaughter demon is a danger to others as much as it is a danger to you on purpose.




Heres a list of why:

It moves through blood, not magicla jaunting

Its a being of magic unknown to the wizard, if it was known the wizard could bind the damn thing and have it not have a goal to kill the wizard.






Demons aren't friends to anyone, certainly not the wizard. It's like letting a spider or snake loose in someone's house, you have no more control of where it is or what it's doing than they do. And if you're the one who pissed it off, it's probably gunning for you anyways.


SDs are OP intentionally as a double edged sword to the wizard. If the Wizard could see the demon coming, than they'd just jaunt away the moment they got close.


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