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So I noticed that for vendors they all stack there items, so for example, in botany the seed dispenser has one button for all three of the same seed. But the booze-o-mat and the autodrobe have them separated so it's kind of odd so if it's not to hard it'd be a nice little thing to fix.

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Maybe on the booze dispenser but I don't see why the autodrobe would need it, seeing as you can only wear one of most non-accessory items, unless you're trying to empty it out to annoy folk.


No wait am I looking at the wrong thing or misreading this?


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I think he's saying something along the lines of autodrobe shows


Mad Scientist Labcoat x1 (Dispense)

Horse Mask x1 (Dispense)

Pirate Bandana x1 (Dispense)

etc. x1 (Dispense)

Mad Scientist Labcoat x1 (Dispense)

Horse Mask x1 (Dispense)

Pirate Bandana x1 (Dispense)

etc. x1 (Dispense)


instead of the more logical


Mad Scientist Labcoat x2 (Dispense)

Horse Mask x2 (Dispense)

Pirate Bandana x2 (Dispense)

etc. x2 (Dispense)


I know the autodrobe does do this, to my great frustration, and it seems that WhiteCrow is saying the booze-o-mat does the first method too, but the botany seed dispenser uses the second, more logical method.


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They spawn like that. The whole vendor system is buggy. I do know that this happens to Getmore Chocolate Co vendors when you reassemble them, so we've got...

  • Vendors that spawn with duplicate menus

Vendors which gain duplicate menus when reassembled


Vendors which are totally fine, no duplicates involved



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