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An idea occurred to me with emags. Currently the emag is a decently expensive, 1000000 use item. Often you don't need it for anywhere near that many uses.


For 1 or 2 TC, a single use emag would be great for suddenly needing to get through a door, or if you only need to emag 1 thing.


Not sure about the cost - at 1 tc, it'd most likely be better than the normal emag unless you intend to emag a lot of things. So thought I'd post here for discussion on costs, use, etc.


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I remember that there was discussion a few months ago about making emags limited use (something like 4-6 uses) like on other servers. I think this suggestion would be a nice compromise between keeping things as-is and making them limited-use. If a player plans things out properly they might be able to get away with a single-use emag. Maybe an additional benefit is that it disintegrates after use leaving no evidence behind?

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An idea occurred to me with emags. Currently the emag is a decently expensive, 1000000 use item.


Markolie refactored emags about a year ago they're plain old unlimited use.


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  Fox McCloud said:
An idea occurred to me with emags. Currently the emag is a decently expensive, 1000000 use item.


Markolie refactored emags about a year ago they're plain old unlimited use.


Phew. I was worried I'd use it up :P


The self-destructing thing is a good idea, I don't know if it'd make them too good for the cost though.


It occurs to me a 1tc 1use emag in some ways replaces C4 as a single-use door opener. Hence maybe 2tcs. There's a big jump from 1-2 tcs sadly.


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  Keroman said:
2 TC is still 1/3rd the cost of a regular emag and the slightly increased cost would also be justification for having it disintegrate after use.


I think the current emag is bargain-priced. Sure, it's the swiss-army knife of any traitor and should be available so that it can be purchased along with other necessities, but I think that the price can and should be upped, especially if a "disposable" or "budget" emag were available.


Perhaps an entire line of "budget" traitor gear could be offered. Perhaps it has a 50%+ failure rate, or has the possibility of loudly or explicitly giving away its use and/or backfiring, harming its user, or, as in this case, an emag that disintigrates after 1, 2 or 3 uses. Like the freedom implant - there's a chance you may get another use out of it, but not guaranteed. And with the cheap gear comes !!BARGAIN PRICES!! 1TC for budget emag, 1TC for budget sleepy pen that may be empty and has a chance of informing the target it is being injected, 2TC for budget syndicate bomb that may be a dud... etc!


EDIT: Because this goes above and beyond the scope here, am cross-posting to separate thread.


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  Jamania said:
Wait. E-Mags have unlimited use? On the Wiki, it makes references to limited uses.


Shows what I know, I guess.

It used to be limited use.

I guess nobody fixed the wiki.


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