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Stop Gibonite exploding instantly from Kinetic Accelerators.

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Gibonite detonates instantly if struck by a KA blast, even though other more potent explosions can not replicate these, even the singularity going over gibonite tiles triggers the countdown instead of an instant explosions.


This is either intentional, as some misguided attempt at balance, or an oversight. In either case, this shouldn't be happening if a max-cap bomb will only cause a chain reaction but a KA can instantly set of the explosions, usually taking a limb from the miner.



oh.. I think I know what you're talking about. I play as a medical doctor and from time to time miners come (pulled) along with missing limbs bleeding all over my clean floor. Really annoying to say the least.



I thought this was a feature. Don't go shooting gibtonite.

It's a bug that has to do with our current guncode.




Still, it's a good feature. Don't be a reckless fuck and shoot a highly explosive rock with a strong blast of force.


Except nothing else has that effect, not even max grade toxins bombs.

If it's a feature, that gibtonite is unstable to sudden explosive force, then bombs and other boom-related doodads, such as stabilized gibtonite, should also instantly make it boom.



It's be a good feature if the refresh rate on the scanners was better, it's pretty damn easy to go blasting through rock with hyper accelerator and hit gibonite that was outside the range of your last scan and trigger the gibonite. Even with an advanced scanner. On /tg/, this isn't an issue since gibonite doesn't immediately explode and you can run or disable it just like anything else.

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