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Roman Thomas


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Name: Roman Thomas

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: O-

General Occupational Role(s): Chief Medical Officer, Surgeon, Internal Affairs Agent, Roboticist



Roman Thomas isn't like other Humans. He was the first ever Human created by the "HuCreator 3000". The HuCreator 3000 - or HC3 for short - is a top secret project only a handful of Nanotrasen's top scientists, doctors and donors know about.

The HC3 is a project initiated after many of the wealthy elite complained about how their kids weren't perfect. They wanted to pick and choose every aspect about their kid; what they looked like, what their interests were, how their personality was, their ability to learn, everything. And that's exactly what the HC3 allows them to.

They pick out all the attributes and boom, baby pops out the bottom, almost like a vending machine, almost. Making sure their kid would grow up exactly how they wanted them to, because they didn't have time to be worrying about raising a kid. In the elite, money comes first.


Roman is special, he was the first successful baby born from the machine. His father, Gregory, wanted his son to make good money, not too much, not too little. But more importantly, he wanted his son to be of great help to others while being kind and humble. Gregory selected Medical Science and Anatomies as the main major interest for Roman, additionally he selected Space Law and Protection as a secondary interest. But there was one thing that concerned Gregory - Roman's Safety. He wanted to make sure his son, and the first successful baby of the HC3 project would not be harmed. For that, Gregory had the scientists and doctors work on a specially developed set of skills that will allow Roman to escape or neutralize most threats out there.



Since he was too busy making money, Gregory hired the Surgeon General of the HC3 project to take care of his son, this would also allow for them to take notes and study the first born of the HC3 machine. 2 years after Roman was born, Gregory had died by an assassination that was an inside job by one of his executives. His will provided by his lawyers stated that his money was to go towards further science and medical research for Nanotrasen, he did not want his son to become a target. It also included to give full custody of Roman to the Surgeon General. Gregory used to stop by a couple times every few months to visit his son but for the most part, the Surgeon General was Roman's Father so Roman did not experience any distress when Gregory had passed away.

Roman was always wandering around medbay seeing if there was anything he could help with, almost everyone that saw him was impressed with how quickly he learned and the amount of knowledge he had for his age. (Those that didn't know he was the result of the HC3 project.) When Roman turned 22, he graduated the Nanotrasen Advanced Medical Institution (NAMI) at the top of his class.

Immediately after graduation, Roman spent 6 months at the Nanotrasen Security Institute studying Basic Law and Weaponry. Roman wasn't that interested in it compared to the NAMI course, but he still got his certificate.


Once Roman graduated, he got multiple job invitations to fill positions from multiple stations practically throwing money at him to be a part of the crew, but Roman chose the one from Station 13, where his "dad" - the Surgeon General - worked most of the time when he wasn't at the secret station that contained the HC3 project.

Roman had worked as a Surgeon for 8 years, performing the roles of a trauma doctor when the station was understaffed, the role of a chemist, everything.

The NAMI Certificate prepares you for anything and everything.



8 years pass and Roman's "dad" was getting bored of it, he wanted to try something new. He retired as the Surgeon General and went to work for NAMI as a big shot Director on the Board. But not before recommending Roman to replace him at the station.


Due to his prestigious NAMI Certification, experience, as well as the Surgeon General's recommendations, he was promoted to the Chief Medical Officer of Station 13.


Roman absolutely hates the one piece jumpsuit and bulky jacket that was given to him as a new uniform, so he usually walks around in a Navy Blue suit and will put on his CMO jacket if he's performing invasive medical procedures.








NAMI Certified



NSI:BLaW Certified




Employment Records:

8Y @ Surgeon

2Y++ @ Chief Medical Officer



Security Records:




Medical Records:




Personnel Photo:

This is Roman in his office




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