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Gender Reassignment Surgery


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Only time I've made a post from scratch in this thread-- but I figure it's worth talking about for this one. I would've posted it as an issue on the GIT but it just didn't feel right in the context. I think it might've been forgotten when the new system was put in as I don't recall there being a changelog notification addressing the removal of the gender reassignment procedure (if we even had changelogs back then, I can't quite recall).


We used to have the gender reassignment procedure back when we had Bay surgery, but now with our current surgical system it appears that the gender reassignment procedure no longer exists. I merely suggest the procedure is added back in, that's about it.


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I've always thought it's been possible to do it both via altering a person's UI and surgery-- I'm fairly certain, but I can't really back it up with a screenshot/video or anything


Was the removal of gender reassignment surgery with the intention of making it genetics-exclusive intentional?


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Genetics has always been possible.


One of the reasons debated for removing it from surgery was because of shitlers using it forcibly on people.


In the end though, it just didn't end up getting added in with all the surgery changes.


Lore wise, genetics is a simple and quick way to do it properly, that isn't just a cosmetic change - it's not in fact a gender change, but a sex change that would change the chromosomes.


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Alright, wicked-- thanks for the response. I had no idea it was removed until a recent round where, just as you said, someone tried to forcibly change my gender and then inquired about it afterward in OOC haha. Guess this request can be disregarded, then, since it was intentional. Sorry about that

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No need to apologise :) It's good to even have the thread so others can see the reasons why, and possibly bring up reasons to re-add it if they come up with them.


We debated putting it back in but didn't because there's already a method to do it, and because it was mainly used in a griefy function.


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No need to apologise :) It's good to even have the thread so others can see the reasons why, and possibly bring up reasons to re-add it if they come up with them.


We debated putting it back in but didn't because there's already a method to do it, and because it was mainly used in a griefy function.


What else was not added in with the new surgery system? I'm curious to know, since I have little to no clue about how big the new surgery system really is.


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Nothing else to my knowledge. Steps slightly changed etc, but all surgeries -should- still be there.

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Nothing else to my knowledge. Steps slightly changed etc, but all surgeries -should- still be there.


Is this the surgery system that is used with the Abductor gamemode?


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Yes, it's used for all surgeries, even Abductors.


As far as I know we didn't have gender reassignment even before the current system was implemented, it's been quite a while.


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I've noticed a bug, by the way. The surgery tells you that internal organs appear not to be damaged, despite that they are.


This is when you start applying the advanced trauma kit to the targeted body part during organ manipulation surgery.


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Yeah, this was never a thing----could be potentially added, butttt...it certainly encourages...things.


plastic surgery is pretty cool, too.


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This is when you start applying the advanced trauma kit to the targeted body part during organ manipulation surgery.

Thats not the bug if you used trauma kit successfuly. It message for you, so you could be sure that operation is going fine now. Its look a bit strange with normal equipment for sure, but trauma kit is not the only thing for threating internal organs. That cloth bandages from medical vendor could be used for that too but chance of success is lower than 100%


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I would however suggest fixing dethralling surgery for shadowling thralls. I had a shadowling round the other day where one of my thralls had the dethralling surgery done on them but for inexplicable reasons remained my thrall. It really needs fixing if it's actually broke or if that was just due to doctor incompetency.

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