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I'm not sure it'd be such a good idea.


Psychiatrist is inherently a roleplay focused job and anyone who joins up as one would probably be aware of that and sure, it can be a little boring sometimes but, much like Internal Affairs or any other roleplay orientated job, it has the potential to be a huge amount of fun, it can even change the course of the round for some people.


I don't think we need to look at actual game mechanics to make Psychiatrist a more interesting job to play but I do think we can give a good psych player more influence and involvement with station events by slightly amending SOP to mention psychiatric evaluations, or making a few references to them on the wiki.


Beyond that, maybe make them a little more accessible; give them their own office outside of medbay, let them charge the crew for their services and give them a fax machine to report to Heads of Departments or Internal Affairs.


Personally, I've had a lot of fun both playing as and with Psychiatrists, I've seen players sit in robotics and evaluate Positronic Brains and ask cyborgs about the cyborgification process as part of a research project into the mind of synthetics, I've seen them be the silver bulled an IAA used to have someone demoted from command, I've even seen them played as glorified drug dealers. It saddens me a little that because it's not a mechanic driven job, Psychiatrist is seen as redundant when I know it can be fun and interesting.


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