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Hey there. Looking at the effects of a few races and even experiencing them first hand, I've come up with a small list of suggestions of additions or such that I personally think would be worth adding.



- Add more attributes. As of now, the only thing that distinguishes them from humans is a special language, otherwise they are completely identical to humans statistics wise. Sadly I dont have much to suggest for this.



- Add a HUD indicator when the Diona in question is in a dangerous, low light area. Since darkness kills, and from personal experience, within but a mere minute you'd be almost dead. A small icon on the HUD when the light is not sufficient would help players determine how much light is enough.




- Allow players to choose their own names. Currently they can only choose presets which reset every round, limiting character development.

- Allow Vox to attach their Nitrogen tanks to their belt, pocket, or suit storage (without a hard/softsuit). Currently, Vox are often forced to ditch their satchel or backpack and use a plastic bag as their only means of storage besides their pockets so that a tank can be worn.




- Fix Sulfuric acid immunity. Currently it doesn't work.

- Add more attributes. For 30 karma, Greys don't really offer much besides telepathy.


Machine Person

- Lessen or remove Radiation effects. There is no reason a machine should be harmed by radiation.

- Make EMPs lethal. Despite what I've been told, Ive once had an EMP explode 1 tile away from me and walk away with no effects. Not sure if EMPs actually ARE lethal currently, as thats just evidence from one event.

- Make machine people immune to viruses. Currently no races have this attribute and once again there is not many reasons why a machine person would get a virus.


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