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Voxygen warning


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It happens way to often: security takes a voxes tank off.


Could there maybe be some kind of popup warning? "You are about to take this person's internals off. They might die. Are you sure. Yes/No."


It would prevent quite a few deaths and saltiness.


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I disagree.


This is a user error, not a mechanical error and doesn't need a prompt all to itself, because unlike say... Bags of Holding, it really only screws up the one person.

The solution is to train the newbie officers so they learn, usually they only do it once, or do it by mistake and then stop. Those that continue to do it, are either stupid or trying to fuck people over, both of which are easily solved with a handy dandy mechanic called "Fire them."


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Just make the item in pocket show up as an internals tank, rather than just left pocket (full).


Problem solved.


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The solution is to train the newbie officers so they learn, usually they only do it once, or do it by mistake and then stop.


But this isn't how it works - I've taken Voxygen plenty of times, because I haven't noticed they're a Vox or even thought "Oh yeah they need their internals" and I've seen plenty of others do it. If rectified quickly, it isn't a terrible thing mechanically - Couple of points of toxin damage, but sometimes bungling of putting the tank back into the pocket, not being able to set internals, so removing it and whatever is on the belt... Sometimes adds up to 30 - 40 points, which can spell the end of any particularly battered Vox.


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The solution is to train the newbie officers so they learn, usually they only do it once, or do it by mistake and then stop.


But this isn't how it works - I've taken Voxygen plenty of times, because I haven't noticed they're a Vox or even thought "Oh yeah they need their internals" and I've seen plenty of others do it. If rectified quickly, it isn't a terrible thing mechanically - Couple of points of toxin damage, but sometimes bungling of putting the tank back into the pocket, not being able to set internals, so removing it and whatever is on the belt... Sometimes adds up to 30 - 40 points, which can spell the end of any particularly battered Vox.


But that's the point, it was an accident, not a malicious act. It's a momentary accident that is usually benign, and if a Vox -is- some how killed through sheer bad luck from an officer either accidentally removing their tank, or from a legit shitcurity officer going "idc lol", Then they are well within the range of medical care, defibbing, mostly.


Having your life tied to a breath tank is the risk you sign up for by playing a Vox, you accept and understand, that some people are gonna fuck up with you, either new players who have no idea, or just occasional accidents liek that. It's like playing an IPC and *nobody* knowing how to reconstruct them when they die, you've no idea how many times I've seen them tossed into morgues or into cloners.


That's just part an parcel of the package the Vox player signed up for. If we put prompts on THIS, then why wouldn't their be prompts on dumping IPCs into Cloners, or on trying to take off a Plasmaman's suit?


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I don't think this should be added. There are hundreds of things that are incredibly easy to do yet result in damage to other players e.g. opening plasma canisters with no tank inside, hitting people with crowbars, feeding obese people mints, applying dangerous chemicals to people. Should we also add pop-ups to everything that could result in harm to other players?


As has already been stated, this is an issue that can be easily fixed and is an accepted risk when players choose to play vox / plasmamen.


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I agree with what others have said. Having security accidentally take off your tank and losing a belt, pocket, or suit storage (maybe? Does the voxygen tank fit in there?) slot is a fair trade off for having round start spaceproofness.

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I agree with what others have said. Having security accidentally take off your tank and losing a belt, pocket, or suit storage (maybe? Does the voxygen tank fit in there?) slot is a fair trade off for having round start spaceproofness.

Voxygen tank fits any slot oxy tank would do. So suit slot of external clothing is a valid place for it.


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Accidentally removing Voxygen is an age old tradition. Station life has never been safer for Vox, gone are the days of the medical ERT "saving" you from asphyxiation by pumping you full of Inaprovaline.

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