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  pipextiny said:




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Oh hey look it's me in the top left lol


Yeah, that was a massacre. The holocaust wasn't even successful, lol. There had to be over a hundred monkeys slain, with at least 20 living at the end. It took 5 lockers 2 trips to get the bodies squared away.


There were so many that got disposaled from the bar, too. About 20 there


Totally bananas if you ask me




Oh hey there's Phylia with her black and red suit!


Basically one of the Vox scientists got a illegal part to create monkeys and started spamming them everywhere, there were like a hundred monkeys in escape so people just decided to start a massive genocide. Started out with Phylia and like two people, then there were whole teams of people beating monkeys down.




  IK3I said:
The only survivors of the summoning of Nar'Sie aboard the station: the HoS, the CMO, the RD, the Chaplain, and the Brig Phys.

Sadly, the captain was taken on the way to the pod.




Where is this screenshot taken exactly? I don't recognise where its taken, and I'm curious.




  Keroman said:
Renaming paper to silly things is hardly new but this just made me laugh:


I had to pick up 158 of those fucking things, and that was just the ones I stacked together

"I is take fucks" - Me as the janitor that round to a vox that kept spitting out those papers




  IK3I said:
The only survivors of the summoning of Nar'Sie aboard the station: the HoS, the CMO, the RD, the Chaplain, and the Brig Phys.

Sadly, the captain was taken on the way to the pod.



Also I was right outside the pod (as a harvester) ready to bash my way in, but then the shuttle left.






After ages of trying to fix my atmos rig working for literally no reason, the atmos crew got things working. It's not ideal, because the mixer was putting out the mix at 1400 kPa instead of the 4500 it was toggled to. Still, got good power out of it.




  Penguinizer said:



After ages of trying to fix my atmos rig working for literally no reason, the atmos crew got things working. It's not ideal, because the mixer was putting out the mix at 1400 kPa instead of the 4500 it was toggled to. Still, got good power out of it.

I hope someone makes a guide to the turbine because I'd like to try it some time. Unless someone already made one? please say yes




  ProperPants said:
Also I have to add on that Jonah Bright X Zeke Varloss OTP. Spy on PDA at your own risk, people.


You shall never see the true depths of love and lewdness those two have for each other; not even I know, they dont share it




  Tauka Usanake said:

I hope someone makes a guide to the turbine because I'd like to try it some time. Unless someone already made one? please say yes


The turbine isn't super hard. First you need to get science to fully upgrade it. Then, you probably want to get rid of the useless vent in the room that's supposed to draw stuff out into a canister. Replace it with a second injector. To turn it on you need an Atmospherics Automation Console. We chose to try a bigger burn chamber and added a few more injectors.


As for piping in gas, there's an insulated pipe that runs from atmos to the turbine, we simply used that. Bypassed the mixtank, had the orange line o2 line hooked up to a gas mixer, along with a line straight from the plasma tank. Had a three pump setup that pumped to the turbine chamber through the line, and another three in the turbine itself to pump into the injectors.


There're probably better ways to pump more gas in, but we couldn't think of a good way. Just having a straight manifold instead of the mixer was giving us trouble. Either way, it works decently. Will try to improve when atmosvox next time.




  Penguinizer said:
There're probably better ways to pump more gas in, but we couldn't think of a good way. Just having a straight manifold instead of the mixer was giving us trouble. Either way, it works decently. Will try to improve when atmosvox next time.


If you're looking to mix more gas faster, and you're not too worried about space constraints (why would you with the size of that pipe). Then you can try this:


  • Map out an area of (n+1) X (n+3) where n is the number of mixers you want.

    Lay out the mixers diagonally across the grid, starting one unit in from the near corner.

    Lay out the pipe along the near edges, and connect each one to it's row/column's mixer.

    Lay out pipe from each mixer to just before the far end, and cap with a volume-pump.

    Lay out pipe behind the pump to reconnect all the lines to the output.



This method will drain the station of its gas reserves rapidly if more than say 3-4 pumps are used. Don't do that unless you have a few tons of oxygen in your pocket to replace what you just wasted.




Seven out of eight at the end of the round.

I've seen rounds with 15~ AIs before, but it's always fun to see people make multiple AIs.


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