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One thing that has always slightly bothered me is that all borgs are the almost identical in many way. They are all built the same way and function to serve as a crew member in some tasks. I think the borgs can be expanded to fill roles that aren't truly filled by either the crew or the current selection of borgs.


One way might be to introduce more types of borgs. Currently we have two types, normal and drone. This leaves a lot to be desired. While drones branch off drastically from the default borgs, all normal borgs share the same stats minus upgrades. Adding in some specialized borg chassis with new modules would increase the variety of borgs. I have some samples that are already coded in and have been tested. The balance of these modules and bot types aren't perfect but are a few ideas of possible new bots that could be made.





Eyebots are smaller spherical borgs that fly. These are meant to work in EVA and start with an ion thruster. I have three sugested modules, emergency rescue, pest hunter, and a syndicate module. They also only have 75 health due to them being smaller then normal borgs.



The emergency rescue is a little niche. It is meant to help seal up massive hull breaches and help anyone who might might be hurt near the sight. It is able to launch metal foam grenades, at the massive cost of 4000 energy. It also has a hypo spray filled with epinephrine and an adv health scanner. In addition to having a small welder and crowbar in case someone either welds doors or the power is cut to a large area. And last but not least it has a small fire extinguisher to put peole who are on fire out. This would be usefull in rounds where people go bomb happy or someone let lord sing out to play.



The pest hunter does what its name implies, it hunts pests around space. Being a smaller security bot with an emphasize on space. It has a small laser that does 20 damage and a disabler, along with zipties, but lack a hailer, police tape, and stun baton. It also keeps the smaller health of all eyebots. The best time for this module would be during a carp migration.



The syndicate module is made for combat. Using a small pistol loaded with ap ammo to take on heavy targets and break windows as well as a small laser to attack people through windows. Better at hit and run then the larger syndi borg, it can also load smoke grenades to try and confuse provide cover. It also lacks the emag and crowbar of its big brother but can make up for it by being cheaper to field. It does however maintain its ability to remote control.


Large bots


Both a bad name and not the most original sprite, I only made one module for this bot type, the guard module. These could be best named as a beefed up security borg. Meant to guard areas rather then patrol, it comes with a large disabler, tear gas launcher, rubber shot smg, police tape, zipties, and hailer, and more health then a default borg.


The large disabler is just that, a cannon-esk disabler, able to take down people in two shots, but costs 5x the energy of a normal disabler. The tear gas launcher shoots tear gas grenades.


You can find these in the unsecured armory in a box. Like the metal foam grenades, they cost 4000 energy to shoot to prevent massive spam. The rubber shot shoots a 45 caliber rubber bullet. It does 40 stamina and 5 brute, putting it slightly under the detective's revolver in terms of stamina damage. This weapon is meant to be used sparingly depending on the alert level and law set as it is capable of causing harm, but can shoot people who can normaly deflect lasers. These weapons do come with a downside, speed. The large bot moves at a speed of 3. For comparison, a normal human moves at 0 and a hardsuit slows them to 1. This makes them horribly slow. This puts them in a good position to guard areas that need a lot of security, such as the captain's office during a nuke ops invasion.




Both of these are currently build able. The large bot has 2 parts in the fabricator, the frame and the head. The head needs 2 flashes inserted into it. The frame needs a completed head, a cell, wires, and 10 plasteel. The eyebot has 1 unique part in the fabricator. It needs 1 wire, 6 rods, a cell, and 1 flash. Once all the parts are on the frame they can have an MMI or positronic brain put in.


Feel free to tell me your opinion, suggestions, or anything.


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IYou сan piсk different parts with different stats to make different borgs.

This is how the Goonstation borg system works, but if we adopted that we might need to scrap all the different borg sprites we have since they weren't made to be interchangeable with one another and you wouldn't be able to tell the different borg parts on the current sprites.


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IYou сan piсk different parts with different stats to make different borgs.

This is how the Goonstation borg system works, but if we adopted that we might need to scrap all the different borg sprites we have since they weren't made to be interchangeable with one another and you wouldn't be able to tell the different borg parts on the current sprites.

Do we need to? We сan just make it inside borg flavour text when you examine it. And inside report of сyborg analyzer.


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