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[Rules Suggestion] Enforce Clone Memory Disorder


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Personal opnion: This is what I personally do when I am killed and cloned, so take that for what you will on enforcing it.


I WILL remember that I got killed, I might even remember WHAT killed me (Vamp, Changeling, Shadowling, or being shot in the face.)

What I WILL exclude, is SPECIFICS. If it was a unathi or a human, their name. Sometimes I give up aj ob if the person took forever to kill me.


That to me is a compromise. Then you don't have to play dumb, at least not entirely, but it also doesn't mean the antag is 100% fucked either. It gives the Detective a chance to hunt down clues and the like by themselves and not feel marginalized, and the Antagonist a chance to counterplay, without just going "Gosh why am I in this lab?"


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Personal opnion: This is what I personally do when I am killed and cloned, so take that for what you will on enforcing it.


I WILL remember that I got killed, I might even remember WHAT killed me (Vamp, Changeling, Shadowling, or being shot in the face.)

What I WILL exclude, is SPECIFICS. If it was a unathi or a human, their name. Sometimes I give up aj ob if the person took forever to kill me.


That to me is a compromise. Then you don't have to play dumb, at least not entirely, but it also doesn't mean the antag is 100% fucked either. It gives the Detective a chance to hunt down clues and the like by themselves and not feel marginalized, and the Antagonist a chance to counterplay, without just going "Gosh why am I in this lab?"


That would be a decent compromise, it gets the main point across of preventing "HALP XYZ IS A CHANGELING!!!!!!"


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Again, player agency is still the biggie, I'd be fine if some robot I killed got a reboot and remembered who I was the same way I'd be fine with a human being cloned and then being on my ass. It depends entirely on what the antag is ok with, the player is ok with, and if they're called to enforce it, what the admins are ok with. If you can remember certain specifics, like jobs, maybe areas, weapons they used, what haircut they had, or what type of antag it is, maybe a hair style or a race, then you'd more than likely end up with the same result that we have right now, although the random searches would probably be far more widespread and antags would have to put in a bit more effort into dealing with the whole murder bit by being ever so careful as to make sure they have an off-normal appearance when they murder somebody. That kind of disguising and careful planning is a thing I'd prefer be done out of cleverness rather than out of necessity to avoid somebody having a chance at recalling you. It also doesn't get rid of players knowing exactly who the antag is and being able to do nothing about it, they can simply read off what might be said in an autopsy report, give or take a job title and a hairdo. Anything less than a name is likely to result in the same tension, anything more than vague details is likely to result in the same issue of antagonists being outed.


I don't find the sec chase uninteresting, but I do wish that antags had more freedom to deal with security in that respect. We already have made it clear that antags can take out sec coming after them, but often that's too late and security is too vast and powerful to deal with on their own without pre-emptive planning. I think what would do more good for the sake of the round would be to up what an antag is allowed to do in response to sec aggression and potentially allow striking to take out particularly powerful limbs of sec before needing to act reactively to security.


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The only CMD I'm in support of is when you get backed up before death and end up getting cloned from nothing. For anything else unless you cremate, gib, or toss them into the singularity you should expect theres a remote chance they'll come back. Hide yo ID, wear some budget gloves and a cardboard box over your head, toss on any disguise before you go out killing.


If you're a changeling you have little excuse to be out killing in what you plan to be your primary body. If you're a traitor then maybe make use of the voice changer and Agent ID. Maybe you could even get your target executed if you play your cards right and at worst you'll make it hard for your victim to ID you.


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