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Admin Key: Ansari




I wanna preface this by saying I know for a fact I fucked up last night. I interpreted in-character actions as a slight against me personally (the player), and mouthed off like a petulant child quite a bit. I was pushing boundaries, and at least subconsciously knew what I was saying was gonna get the admins on me. That wasn't acceptable behavior on my part and we won't have a repeat of it.


My only complaint about my interactions last night with Ansari was the severity of my punishment. Specifically, I got perma-banned with "no warning/ahelp message" (directly pertaining to what I was doing). I had gotten boinked by admins a couple of times prior that night (for other delinquent behavior, related to the overall incident), and in each of those instances I listened to the admins and stopped doing what they told me to stop doing. The actual permaban came without an ahelp message immediately prior, and was for something I wasn't really warned for before.


I understand that it was an overall pattern of bad behavior during that round, that I was being an absolute shithead, and that it was 100% justified for the admins to punish me. I just feel like going from ahelp messages telling me nicely to cut out my problem behavior (and with me listening and stopping said behavior) to a permaban is kind of a harsh escalation. This might partially be a cultural thing, since I am relatively new to SS13 but from what I see this permaban/appeal thing is a lot more common here than in other games.



Also, wanted to say that otherwise Ansari was acting in a completely upstanding manner. Even though I annoyed him/her a bit out-of-band, my unban appeal was processed super quickly and I was unbanned within about an hour. Ansari was completely civil to me in all our interactions (except the permaban), and was actually super helpful in dealing with an issue I had the next round (a non-antag killed me).


Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. This is probably more apology than complaint, since for the most part I have good things to say about Ansari. Just wanted to give some feedback on the permaban. There are some serious negative emotions that come up when you see "permabanned" on a game server you spend a lot of time on, and I feel it was a tad overkill for this specific situation. Also, if I gotten an admin message to cool off and stop with the OOC shittalking I would have listened, resolving the issue.


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It is true that the Permanent Ban was issued without a prior warning. This, however, is not at all a rare occurrence, and does in fact happen on a semi-often basis for certain offenses that require immediate response.


In your case, you were previously warned to stop spewing vitriol at others as a Maintenance Drone. This should have been your warning to cease this behaviour, and to your credit, you admit you were in the wrong here. However, after this warning was given, you proceeded to drag the insults into OOC, with one particular choice comment being:


OOC: maintenance drone (276)/Odosendai : Protip: whoever was playing sec this round and refused to borg me even though I asked repeatedly and surreneder real nice, you were being a fuckin cunt and I hope you die of cancer irl


Emphasis mine.


Needless to say, this is not the sort of behaviour we condone, especially not after you were warned about it previously. While sudden, the Ban is not without merit. Telling someone to die of cancer in real life, while obvious hyperbole, is not something that anyone should have to deal with when they are trying to have fun playing a game, especially not because they inconvenienced you in a perfectly IC manner.


As such, Ansari was perfectly justified in applying the Permanent Ban without a prior warning, considering the surrounding circumstances.


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I understand what you are saying and agree for the most part.


I think part of my complaint comes from the fact that I interpreted the ICC "being an annoying beep machine" stuff I was doing as a completely separate issue from the distasteful stuff I said in OOC. I got boinked for the drone thing saying it was a conflict with my AI rules, and stopped as soon as I got an admin message. I did not interpret that as a warning that could also mean "stop with the personal insults in OOC".


I understand that it was all part of a pattern of behavior and needed to be taken in context. I just think that there is a fair argument to be made that I wasn't really warned for what I got perma'd for. I was warned for other stuff, that definitely was related, but was still kinda different from why I got banned.


Again, I understand I was being a complete shithead, my behavior was uncool, and I definitely deserved to get some sort of punishment for it. I just think that, from my perspective, it seemed kinda like going from 0-100 instantly. Regardless, the issue is resolved. You guys handled it more quickly than I deserved, frankly, and I appreciate that. I just wanted to get my views on the incident across, partially to try to soothe over any bad blood between me and admin staff (I am sure the notes on my account aren't very good now :( ).


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Just want to be fully clear on the issues I had with this:


It is true that the Permanent Ban was issued without a prior warning. This, however, is not at all a rare occurrence, and does in fact happen on a semi-often basis for certain offenses that require immediate response.


I understand, the aforementioned cultural differences about how permabanning is used in SS13 vs. other games. I just don't think this was anything close to an "offense that requires immediate response." I wasn't spamming, I said my hateful message once and then stopped. If I was flooding OOC chat with vitriol that would make sense, but the damage was done and the issue was over when the ban went through. Also, I know you don't know this with any certainty, but an admin telling me to cut it out would have 100% been effective.




In your case, you were previously warned to stop spewing vitriol at others as a Maintenance Drone. This should have been your warning to cease this behaviour, and to your credit, you admit you were in the wrong here. However, after this warning was given, you proceeded to drag the insults into OOC, with one particular choice comment being:


I consider these two distinct incidents. I was spewing profanity as a maint drone to some randoms. Was also shitty behavior, but I feel that counts as IC shit. A decent amount of time later (~30 minutes, if I recall correctly), after the round ended I said one message of hateful stuff to someone completely different. The way you phrase it kinda makes it sound like it was all me harassing one person. I interpreted the warnings I got as being for totally seperate things, one for playing against my assigned role IC, the other (warning that I never got) would be for saying rude things in OOC.




And again, I know I was being a shithead and deserved to be punished for it. I just think there is a very fair argument to be made that I got a permaban without adequate warning (for such an extreme measure, and with the actual impact I was having on the server being taken as context).


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I'm going to explain some things to you and I hope you take them to heart. Telling someone to "die of cancer irl" will get you permabanned by most admins regardless of prior behavior.


We try to provide some quality time to people and expect people to give us a certain amount of quality back. Yes people act stupid sometimes and you may have one or two rounds where things don't go your way. however where people are allowed to act mean at times as long as it fits within the rules of the server and normal roleplay ICly. we have 0 tolerance for people attacking others personally out of character in the way that you did.


You should quite frankily be happy that your unwanted and shitty behavior was handled by Ansari because I am going to be completly honest with you here. If it was me or any of the older staff members you would have had a lot more explaining to do to get yourself unbanned.


Consider this complaint resolved because of a lack of merit and watch your language next time.


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