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Name: David Rhinehart

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Blood Type: B+

General Occupational Role(s): Surgeon, Roboticist, Assistant


Biography: Born in one of the major cities of Mars, Vorcia City, on 2530 AD, he lived in Vorcia till 2566, when he moved to the capital, Olympus, alone. As his parents, who owned small family business, were not able to help him much, life in the capital was rather hard. He worked in Martian Medical Academy as a laboratory assistant in 2566-2567, renting a small flat together with a friend. He was inspired by this work and decided to attend Martian Medical Academy, to qualify as a surgeon. He successfully graduated it in 2573. After graduation, he worked in the Olympus City Hospital, firstly as a medical intern, and then as a surgeon, in years 2573-2578. This years, he used to spend a lot of time in the Martian Library, where he developed interest in ancient weapons of Earth times, and, which can be noticed more – alien species like Unathi and Vox, and their process of social adaptation in mostly-Human society. On 2578 he was hired by NT, which was in need of qualified medical personnel in their efforts of expanding space station network. He is working for NT for two years now, currently at NSS Cyberiad.


Qualifications: Master Of Medicine acquired in Martian Medical Academy, also completed course of Exosuit Construction and Operation during his study, and a few minor courses about alien species.


Employment Records:

Martian Medical Academy – Laboratory assistant, 2566-2567.


Olympus City Hospital – Medical Intern, 2573-2574.


Olympus City Hospital – Surgeon, 2574-2578.


NanoTrasen Response – Surgeon, 2578 – present day.


Security Records:

7th November, 2579 – detained for possession of a makeshift spear. Cooperated willingly and was released after a warning and pay dock, spear was confiscated, placed in the station’s armory and after a few shifts, disposed.


Medical Records:


Assisted eyes.


Personnel Photo (Appearance text):









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