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Not a complaint but I figured this is the most appropriate place to put this. Decided its better to put this up on the forum so whoever needs to address this can at their leisure and I won't be bothering admins mid game with something this complicated.


I was notified 2-3 weeks ago that my account name was not acceptable and I'd need to make a new one.

To start I'm 900% okay with this. When I initially played the game I just did it to check based on an unusual and interesting experience my friend described to me when he did the same. I assumed I'd play it once or twice then quit, wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much. I ended up using an old account name I used on Battle.net when I was a wee lad (HungLikeaKodo...har har...freaking teenagers...) and since then I've dreaded anytime I speak in dead chat.


Can't remember the admin I talked to but I'm sure there's notes. I ended up creating a new account on BYOND and now for the forums as well, ZN23X. My biggest concern was my karma. I had already earned enough Karma on my old account to unlock brig doc (I know that's a cheap one) but also pod pilot...which isn't cheap. I've also since earned 10 more karma on my old account.


When talking to the admin about creating the new account I was told it was possible to transfer karma (or I'd assume just like...add karma to the new account) to compensate for what I'd lose from the old account. I wasn't given a timeline, wasn't really concerned about one, I figured I'd just use the old account when I got an itch to use the classes the new account didn't have yet until the transfer was complete.


I'm writing this post because an admin at the end of a round last night said something like "Hung, you haven't been transferred yet?" and I didn't have time to respond due to the round restarting, that admin was gone next round. I've now sort of decided I'm just going to use the new account and wait for timed unlocks but I'm just wondering if it is at all possible to add karma to the new account or if I just have to earn it all back again.


Again I'm not worried about a timeline, I just want to know if adding karma to the new account is possible so I can stop wondering if my lost karma will ever be restored or not. I assume you are all busy adults like me that have a lot more going on than just this game, and even when it comes to your duties with this game you have much bigger fish to fry than dealing with this issue. I feel bad enough wasting your time with this essay.


Please just let me know what's up when you get the chance.




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It is possible for sure.


I'm not sure, being recently back with new servers, how or who would do it.


We don't have official policy for this or anything. Something we should have for sure.


Thanks for posting this, we'll look into it over the next few days - not a massive priority you can understand I hope though. I personally see no reason not to transfer it over for you.


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Yea like I said, I understand there are much bigger fish to fry. Been enjoying learning some other classes I never really tried out before anyways. Chemistry wiz now! Cool to know that the transfer can happen and hopefully will happen eventually. Now I just need to learn virology and I can be a five tool CMO when its unlocked again.


Thanks for the quick response!


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