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Buckets and CIVILIAN FUN!


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Anyways, some dude named Traveller or something, he is making a map apparently? Like a change to the current one. It's actually pretty decent from what I  saw of screenshots, and the civilian roles have nothing to do besides run around, do stupid crap, or distract 2+ people to get a job.


I have a complaint formally to buckets.

How about, if I close your lid, you can't be placed on the head slot? I can't take liquid out of you, why should I be allowed to pour the reachable liquids onto myself? Like. Buckets. Stop it, you are just being annoying. If I wanted that radium on me, I would've asked. If I wanted to run back to a sink to get more water, I wouldn't have lidded you, and instead splashed you on another botanist.

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These buckets are the devil's work, I say.


But yes, buckets shouldn't be able to go on your head when full and lidded.

Edited by Shadeykins
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